Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I also find our fucking superintendent's need to heroically take it upon himself to keep schools open so that "our less fortunate kids will have a warm place to stay," EVERY TIME THIS HAPPENS slightly annoying.

My gov teacher was talking today about how it's hard to rationalize closing the district when there are elementary kids involved and school is daycare for them and their parents, who have to work and likely don't want to pay/can hardly afford daycare on a snow day that isn't serious. Also, everything revolves around bus schedules and the fact that at least our school district has a limited number of days we can miss before we have to add back on to the end of the year. That number is three. And it's only November.

Does he actually say that?


And no, keeping schools open last year on the day that it was -20F outside with windchill is still not forgiven. Especially when we had two fire drills the same. fucking. day.

Yeah, that's fucked up. We had two "cold" days last year.

Tigerchild was a name chosen in a childish time of my life, and I, friends, am no longer a child.

You will now address me as...


Or Meriadoc.  Really whichever suits you better.

And yes, I realize how narcissistic it is to think that anyone actually cares about my username but... I never much cared for the name of Tigerchild:  It made me picture an ill-tempered elderly woman living in a duplex somewhere with a lot of cats, trying to recapture her youth through internet forums.

Anyway, it's not like I'm really active enough for this to affect any of you guys.

Well, I always love to hear u/n origins, so why Brandybuck? You explained the change, but not the choice and I'm curious.

It's lovingly ripped of Lord of the Rings.  I recently finished reading the trilogy (after adoring the movies) and concluded that Meriadoc Brandybuck was, by far, my favorite character.  After struggling with a few variations, I finally just went with Brandybuck.  I might still change it to something more original, we'll see.
Ha! I knew it was Lord of the Rings. :D I read the trilogy in seventh grade. Love it, and the name(s). :D

I never realized how much went down in the Middle Ages. o.O


My chronological categorization of events/people/stuff is over two pages long (11 pt, single spaced), and I'm not even to the Late period.

Something ugly is going down. There are police and paramedics in the hallway...

RA claims that everything is fine, but they're checking on something anyway.

Hell, I'm behind. Back to NaNo.

... After going to school with this kid for three years in Elementary school, knowing that he was the kid who showed me his retained (and got me in trouble for screaming), seeing him on my FB newsfeed all the time, I FINALLY KNOW WHO THIS KID IS. 


And he's still as aggravating as he was before.  

They're offering Red Zone tours.


I honestly don't know if I can. Cashel Street was hard enough...

So... the Westboro Baptist Church is picketing my "fag infested" school on Monday.  I really don't have much to say on that subject, other than noting that picketing kids is a new low for them.


Our counter-protests though, are going to be amazing.  So far, the school is floating between an a-capella version of "Fuck You" by Cee Lo Green and a peaceful counter-protest with Drumline drowning out their chants.  Either way, Monday will be interesting.

... Oh good lord.


I'm so sorry. Really. WBC are a bunch of awful, awful people.


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