Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Just started to hit the really fun part, the part that I've been waiting for for roughly 14k words. It all starts with a rolling carry-on suitcase that an eight-year-old girl supporting character had dubbed, "King Henry" suddenly coming to life and following her about the airport of its own accord.

Failing at Nano. I'd like 5000 words today.
Officially 50% done!

30k. According to the NaNo site, I wrote 8,853 words today.

I would like to thank God and also Jesus.

Edit- Here's the graph from the NaNo site.

16k. Tally is still eating me alive. On the plus side, I seem to be one of the ten fastest people in the Philadelphia region that's regularly noting their progress.
I have 2000 words and I'm going to kill all of you, oh my god.

I will help, because I understand.


6K, writer's block, and no time to write again until Thursday.

Understood here too - already started a few days behind and my god, this story does not want to write.

Hit the average NaNo daily wordcount, and managed to write a 4-page essay in one night.


17.6k, by the way.

18k. I'm tired. Going to bed.

Switched stories to something dumb but fun so I could just get back into the swing of writing. 


And for the first time I actually made target wordcount. Whoa.

800 words solid.


I kin do this.


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