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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Developed a second major plot arc in case of emergency, should my main one fall short.

Written a thousand words or so in the last two days...needed a break, but going to write as much as I can today, as falling into a rut would just be bad. 

And here I thought I stood a chance at catching up to you...X)

Haha, sorry! Got two thousand during a free period earlier, shooting for the same for all four of mine today. My schedule is ridiculous.


Wrote exactly 7.9k today. Going to go for another thousand or so tonight; really on a roll.



42k, just woke up from a few hour nap and wrote 43 words before turning WoD off. Going to write another three thousand tonight, maybe - it would have been awesome if I could write 50k in 10 days, but I don't think that's going to happen.

45k. Yay! No school tomorrow, so unless I have some sort of block (I'm at an exciting part, so unlikely), I'll hit 50k. It's a long way to go until the plot wraps up, though.

I'm sorry for posting on this thread so often. .____. 

Post a sample paragraph?

You can rest assured that it is terrible quality writing, though I'm oddly attached to the story itself. Maybe in December after some revision... for right now, having WoD not let me use the delete button cuts five minutes off of the time it takes to write a thousand words, and I haven't bothered to go back through and edit all of that. 

I'll admit that I've been competing against your word count, but you're totally kicking my ass now. Gah. :P

I've been taking far too much satisfaction from being ahead of everyone on my buddies list. I might not get to write again until Sunday, though... testing and such tomorrow, didn't write anything today because Minecraft called and I've been neglecting it.


(To be fair, I'm in 8th grade at a public school, and only have to do any real work for my Freshman English/Algebra I classes, which leaves me with a considerable amount of free time. If all goes as planned and I go to a private school next year, I don't expect to get nearly as far nearly as fast.)


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