Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Self-publication is a wee bit different from being published by a company like Simon and Shuster or Little Brown though. I mean, I have much higher expectations from a book published by a company as opposed to a self-publication. Similar to the music industry, I don't expect an indie band to way better than someone off the top 40 hits who are all signed to labels. And yet, for some rather aggravating reason, they are. 


Media is all about who you know now, or how pretty you are (if we're talking music), not real talent. And while with music I've pretty much given up, it really bothers me when mediocre books are being called "amazing" and "awesome". There are so many more better authors who can't make it big. 

I remember reading a shitty -- and man, do I mean shitty -- excerpt of someone's story on MDW several years ago. I mean, this thing had no direction, no character development, and there were horrendous mistakes left and right. Yet somehow, there were over twenty comments gushing over how amazing it was and how the commenters were "hooked." Meanwhile, I wanted to puke my face off. Obviously, that not the same thing as what you're talking about, but it's on the same page pun intended


In the end, creative control meant more to me for this project than profit did. Even if I'm a decent enough writer to be published traditionally, losing my rights over my trilogy and having to watch them plaster the cover with shit that doesn't represent the story and be asked to turn it into a sop bucket of romance for the sake of making sales is somewhere I am NOT willing to go. My babeh deserves respect!


On the bright side, the first three chapters are up on my website (, so you can determine if my writing is total shit or not before ordering a copy.

XD I know what you mean. Fictionpress tends to be a bit better, but If you write about a pairing that everyone likes, you're guaranteed to get at least 5 reviews saying it's amazing. If you write Figgy, you're told you're fucked in the head or its gross or something annoying like that. Sadly, not all of the world shares my view on what makes a good book (and when I say all of the world I actually mean probably quite a few people between the ages of 8 and 22 years old). 

Ugh, companies can be pretty slimey and more often than not, if you DO achieve a lot of popularity via internet then I don't think you really need a publishing company anymore. The whole idea of using a company is to get your work more known, what's the point if it's already popular? That being said, good luck with your novel! :)

Aaand, when I get the time, I shall. Then I'll give you what I do and don't like. 

Given how cheap it is to self-publish a novel, it's becoming quite popular and more profitable. POD-style publishing rules.

I'm currently bogged down with work, but when I'm not, I'll read the first three chapters and offer a critique.

I think it says something, although I'm not sure what, that I forgot completely about the Glee and New Girl episodes that aired today until someone mentioned them on Facebook.


Augh. *rubs eyes*

From TheTowerlight:


A popular series that has yet to make its big-screen debut is “Maximum Ride,” which is about young people with part avian DNA.

A film has been talked about since 2007, and Columbia Pictures now has the rights to the franchise, with a movie expected for a 2013 release.

Supposedly it’ll be in 3-D, which could actually work with the fact it’s about people who fly.

The only drawback I see is the potential casting of too-cute kids, giving them dumb one-liners and designer clothes. Eliminate that, and “Maximum Ride” could be a real winner.


I have the only reply to the article. It states:


While I too would like to see a MR movie,I realize that it doesn’t quite meet the criteria you’ve set up for it:

“casting of too-cute kids, giving them dumb one-liners and designer clothes”

—’The Angel Experiment’ has three characters designed purely for the purpose of being ‘too-cute kids’; “Nduge” “Gazzy” and “Angel”. The latter is the focus of being ‘too cute’ for much of the series.

—If you’ve ever read anything by Patterson, you’d know that he’s fond of his ‘dumb one-liners’. In the novel, Max is making them constantly. I’d list a few here, but I don’t know how far printing rights extend.

—’The Angel Experiment’ Features an entire chapter in which the group goes to New York and decides to get ‘designed clothes’

So, rewrite Maximum Ride from the ground up, and I agree, it could be a real winner.



You tell 'em, End.

Sixteen. Sixteen. Sixteen fucking people signed up for HSMUN this year. That's TWICE the size of our entire debate team and loads more than what the other classes had signed up for. (About 1-3 in three other classes). I love these guys. This means that we have a chance to have some actual power/effective trolling. 


Unfortunately, Thomass (extra S intended) is (for some dumb reason) against more than 20 people (lol wut?) and AP kids, which all of these are. I don't get where he rates intelligence based on what program at my school you're taking...


But honestly we haven't had a turnout this good and I don't want him to scare away people. 

Writing fanfic again. But at least it means I get to wank about The World After Itex without it being backstory.

So am I.


Except it's Harry Potter, and a Marriage Law fic.

Going to go hit up writeordie in a few minutes, hoping it will help me with my word count debt.


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