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AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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5.5k today.


That's... actually I'm impressed with myself. Haven't done that in quite a while. Lets see if I can do the same tomorrow.

Isn't it typical that as soon as I get to the last few thousand words I lose all motivation and don't write for three days. :| I think the problem is that the plot's not anywhere finished to being wrapped up and nothing exciting is going on and meh.

At 47k and determined to finish tomorrow, which honestly won't take that much time, especially if I feel motivated (1k for 15 minutes in the morning, another in my half hour free period, another in my last half hour free period and I should be done before school ends). 

This writing is horrendous and basically just stream of consciousness from the POV of my character? I'm not sure how to describe it but a good 80% is internal monologue with my MC going off on three page long trains of thought after another character asks a question. I'm really attached to the story though, so plan on editing it lots, unlike last year's. Last year's had such potential and I butchered it so hard.

/long post

Yeah. I was driving around the state all day visiting people and playing a concert, so I got less than 1000 one yesterday. Ended up re-watching Holes and Howl's Moving Castle and falling asleep. I'm finding that the only thing that really gets me writing are write-ins.


I'm actually afraid to write the ending. I mean, this is the epic conclusion to the trilogy I've been writing/planning for five years. I don't really want it to end, and I sure as hell don't want to screw it up in the first draft (as I can never seem to completely part ways with stuff fro my first drafts). :P

Ouch. There are no write-ins in my area, unfortunately; Vermont has so few people and I live in such a small town that the closest ones are 45 minutes away. As someone that's 13 and has working parents, they're a bit difficult to get to... I have to set goals for myself. Last week I made a schedule for 5-11pm that revolved around writing a thousand words in twenty minutes with ten minute breaks, but if I don't do anything like that I can only do a few thousand at a time before getting bored.


Ah, me too, though just because it's been improvised so far and I'm terrible with endings. I don't want to rush it... Good luck, though. Are you published?

I did publish my first novel over the summer. The first three chapters are on my website.

Wow, lots of typos. That's what I get for leaving auto-correct on and neglecting to re-read what I've written. I'm totally in NaNo mode.

50,282. :)


And in half the time allotted!

Passed the 3/4 mark of 37.5k today.

Congrats! On the home straight!


Actually, by the end of the 17th (today for me), you're supposed to have 28,000 words, so you're well ahead.


Me, I've just got 10,000. And so well behind. Although if I continue at my current pace of writing I should just be able to scrape 50k.


How is everyone else still in this madness doing?

23 427....


The weather has not been on my side. :(

I hate you snow and cold.  


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