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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Hee, I've been writing scenes as inspiration strikes, but have now managed to string a few together and have finished the first chapter. Accomplishment!


That and the Random Name Generator have been fun to play with.

Been stuck at 45,000 (reason here), but I think I can hit 50,000 by either tonight or tomorrow night.

Write the first ending that comes to mind. Don't worry about messing it up, that's what editing's for.


Did you know that for the work I intend to publish I've changed the ending six times already? It's true, it's fine, and it's natural.

The problem is that I tend to hang on to whatever was in my first draft, no matter how bad it was. This definitely happened with my first novel, and it's probably going to happen to my second and to this third one as well.


I apologize for the shitty phrasing of my comments -- I haven't been getting much sleep. College is eating me alive.

Tsk. Tsk. There's always room for change!


Stall then...drag it out as long as possible, make their first attempt fail, and force them to go for attempt number two, which you can write on your own time.

Unrelated, the people on NaNo call me EOTE, rather than EndOf.

It's interesting to see which people pick...

While writing Too Long and Spontaneity, I do believe I eventually shortened it to End, because I'm super lazy.

Silver still refers to you as EOTE. :P

I do sometimes as well oops.

I'm amazed you still refer to me.

Goal for today is 18k. Currently at 13k and change.


Write or Die, here I come!

Just completely finished chapter two's draft. Also, part of the epilogue.


I think I may just be doing this in a weird order.

Half-way to my goal (15.5k), and quite a bit more fleshing out of my plan.


Unfortunately, I've got the first fifth(?) of the story written, with the third fifth fully planned out and in the process of being written, and absolutely no planning/writing for the second fifth, where the two fit together.


Considering that part's kind of important.... meh.


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