Your guess is as good as mine, and yeah, derpy as hell.
Also I would see a movie with that guy as ter Borcht about eight times.
Just eight?
Eight in theaters and then I would buy the DVD.
Just wrote some bitching code for a primitive life simulator.
I mean, it's nothing as high-tech as, like, a single line of Spore's coding, but compared to what I usually write, this is kind of epic.
It's like a fish-tank...only made up of numbers instead of fish.
So tired. Less than four hours all of today. x.x Model Legislature will be the death of me next year.
No one appreciated my trolling though.
I should have trolled Pokémon.
Someone posted some butchered greek on facebook.
I responded with a, "Yι αρε ευ ταλκενγ ιν oλλ καπσ? Πεπαλ Yηλ θενκ ευρ ξαυτενγ."
*sings* They see me trolling...they hate me...
And what does that mean?
Ah, right.
"Why are you talking in all caps? People will think you're shouting."
The thought occured to me in the shower:
"I'd really love to read a novelisation of the Itex ARG."
The ARG was written in a novel style, plot with beginning, middle, and climaxes.
...maybe over winter break I can type something up for FanFiction. It's a fun story, and a lot of the material is just sitting here unused on my computer.
Typically, I wouldn't do this, but I wanted your opinion.
We were workshopping the work of this 18 year old girl in one of my classes, and I wanted to know your impressions of her sonnet.
After Death
The curtains were half drawn, the floor was swept
and strewn with rushes, rosemary and may
lay thick upon the bed on which I lay,
Where thro' the lattice ivy-shadows crept.
He leaned above me, thinking that I slept
and could not hear him; but I heard him say:
"Poor child, poor child": and as he turned away
came a deep silence, and I knew he wept.
He did not touch the shroud, or raise the fold
that hid my face, or take my hand in his,
or ruffle the smooth pillows for my head:
he did not love me living; but once dead
he pitied me; and very sweet it is
to know he still is warm tho' I am cold.
I personally, was nonplussed.
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