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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That's lucky that no one was killed...

Heck yes. Especially the guy standing UNDER the chopper.

Meanwhile, in Christchurch:


Cathedral Square walkway information and conditions

There are some risks and dangers. Please read the conditions and information here.

Your safety is your responsibility.

It is your decision to enter the area. Read this first.

  1. This space is still dangerous.
  2. If there is an earthquake or other event you may be seriously injured or may not survive.
  3. This is CERA space, not public space. There are conditions you must meet:
  • maximum 300 visitors at any one time etcetc.

If there is an earthquake or other significant event:
Drop. Cover. Hold
Always follow the instructions of security personnel.

An emergency evacuation will be signalled by the constant sound of horns or sirens.

At least it's openish?

Yeah. But the whole "you may be seriously injured or may not survive." bit creeps me the hell out.

I'll have to think about it, I guess. Cashel Mall was weird enough.

So, my results are out, annnnnnd:


I totally must have sucked in the exam, because my internal marks were quite good (~90%), and my final mark is not as good.

Still, I've passed, and am graduating in about, oh, 16 days.



And good job on the 90 dude. 


What was your degree for?

Thanks! Not quite as good as the 84% for my last paper, but it's more than a pass. ;)


The degree is BMLSc - Batchelor of Medical Laboratory Science - which is basically what it says on the tin.


:D Still pretty good. (It's to my understand in Uni 80+ is good... right?)


:O Sounds so fancy. I'm too dumb for the Sciences (unfortunately where all the money can be found). Does it have a lot of potential jobs in NZ? Or did you plan on furthering your education?

80% is pretty decent, yeah. I'm certainly happy with it.


It's not really fancy. It's just a degree which covers a wide range of topics, cos there are heaps of things which can be done in clinical labs. But we don't have to work in hospital labs, and actually you can do quite a lot with it - food science (especially microbiology), vet, biochemistry, soil and water testing, for example. There's not much available at the moment as far as jobs go, but that's coz you've got a whole bunch of new graduates. :)

I'd be quite happy working for a few years, then maybe go back to university. Not sure.

I don't think we have such specialized degrees here. Or if we do, I sure as hell don't know about them. So your fancy Lab Technician things sound so cool. And it does sound like it has some neat job opportunities. 


XD I meant in general. 


Good luck then! Education (IMO) is always better than legit work. 

Indecisive about my EE (extended essay for IB, it's like a first year uni paper that can be only any topic I like) and I was thinking of doing the ARG we plotted about a year ago or so for it. I wanted to do a case study on the sociology or psychology behind it or something. It's supposed to be around 4 000 words. 


Thoughts, ideas, opinions?


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