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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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3 corrections/points:

1. It's funny because the gay marriage law is completely unconstitutional if you count Article IV, Section 2, which I do because, y'know, it's in the Constitution.

2. He's against Middle East involvement because he's anti-interventionist completely, as far as I can tell, and while I don't support the wars, the United States is just not a non-interventionist country. And yes, the marijuana legalization thing is good, but that's one good thing amidst the crazy rest of it, and I think we'll eventually get legalization (probably through states), libertarian president or no.

3. The Patriot Act isn't the one that allows the government to hold its own citizens indefinitely without trial - only immigrants. The new provision to the NDAA passed just recently allows that.

Jon Stewart had a lovely rant about this earlier this week. I recall Romney getting a lot of press in the GOP '08 primaries, so I suppose he might be a good guy to work with. My only basis for Santorum is, as I said before, the fact that he was my state's senator, and that I am not dead.

Then again...Santorum could hardly do worse than the last U.S. President to come out of Pennsylvania, right? (That would be James Buchanan, and I'm sure Nathan could give you a whole earful about him)

I have not watched Jon Stewart consistently lately and it makes me sad. Do you know what day it was? As much as I'd love to watch every video uploaded on the site, I really do have homework and must limit myself.

Oh, I know exactly nothing about Buchanan. Perhaps Nathan shall enlighten me.

I'll give you the short version:

  • James Buchanan is held responsible by most people for being the President that allowed the Civil War to happen.

Here's the Stewart Clip


Found out that my school's cafeteria sells hot chocolate and coffee for high schoolers, and since I'm in two freshman classes they let me have it too. Yum.

It's Wednesday, so the only classes I have are History, Spanish, and PE - the latter two require no work at all, and the first doesn't assign homework. :| Coming to school on Wednesdays always feels super pointless. I'm a bit stressed about boarding school applications, as I still have to write three essays and finish editing the other seven (only one is completely done), and the deadline is Jan 10/Jan 15, depending on the school. I mean, I'm almost certain that it's going to be fine, but it's still a very stress inducing thing... But I have all my recommendations in, got great SSAT scores, and the one essay that I do have finished is pretty kickass. So yeah. >.> *vent*

Gaaahhhh computer why are you so stupid...

I'm trying to put together my English 101-102 portfolio and it just completely cuts off. Grrr. 

It could be worse though... My friend's flash drive and computer decided to get a super virus at the same time, the day before winter break, and delete all of her essays completely. She's spent the last few weeks re-typing them all.

Also, I got new markers! :D Drawing and actually coloring in manga the way it's supposed to be is fuun.

And I got a painting into the SC Scholastic art show thing! :DDD

AP Gov today was fucking awesome.

So I walked in after my teacher. The next four to follow squeed rather loudly about the new episode of Sherlock. One of them approved particularly of the gay undertones. Holy shit people like this go to my school. This is exciting.

We spent the rest of the hour talking about SOPA, NDAA, Iowa, and caucuses/primaries. We were supposed to be discussing economics and social welfare programs. 

To make everything better, there's a new kid (transferred from 4th hour) who's a funny, intelligent, outspoken, and well-informed liberal. And the obnoxious libertarian left. I don't say obnoxious necessarily because he was a libertarian. He was really just obnoxious. He compared gay sex to bestiality. So, fuck him.

My grandad left yesterday. :(

My Newspaper teacher wants me to take over the role of media editor, meaning I will have supreme control of the newspaper's website and all video journalism.

Fuck. Yes.  And I'm only a sophomore, meaning I'll get to reign as long as an unpopular US representative.

In other news I was the only one of my friends to get rejected from the musical.  I wasn't really that upset until fucking everybody told me how sad they were when I wasn't at rehearsal last night and I realized how much I love every damn one of them.  I guess I could try getting into crew but I happen to be awful with power tools. ;_;

It's been two days back in school and I'm already an emotional wreck.


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