While all you have is my word, the missing comment in that conversation opened with me talking about the Dead Hand system as an example of why knowing Cold War politics is still important -- Dead Hand is still operating, and so is the UK version of the same system.
Honestly, were I to post a timeline and get someone's gentle nerding as a response, I'd puke all over myself in eagerness to get more of their opinion on my kludgey alternate history.
This guy's just wanking over Fallout.
I don't doubt you bro.
XD Do it? Maybe some huge history nerd will be all, "I AGREE WITH YOU DUDE."
And Ning just fucked with my long comment (I left a fuck in there...) so I'll repost it later when I feel more like being a dick.
Mostly mine would be all boring shit about the characters, because I don't do a lot of thinking about battles and gun sizes like a shitload of war-story writers do. And because I admit that it's alternate history, I don't have a lot of "you dickshit that could never happen" things going down.
I'm heavily biased, but honestly, if you're going to timeline out like that, you don't need to jizz that much dumbness on the page. You can stick with stuff like "Rob loses his arm to super-staph after fighting in the Second Battle of the Marne" and then Rob develops an inferiority complex which makes the whole affair relevant instead of just jizzing about how you think country X could totally whup countries W, Y, and Z.
I hate that. I don't know what an AssloadGun X7328C 0000 is. I don't understand, why can't you just saw "pistol" or "gun" I get the thing in my head dude. Or describe its shiny metal or some shit. XD Mine's not even that! Well... the latter part is. It was all grammar corrections and a few notes on how my healthcare (or lack thereof) does not cover my eyes and dammit, that wall of text is hurting my eyes. Also I think he said "amazing story" at the end and I was all like, "tooting your own horn bro?"
Dude, the James guy wasn't even mentioned. He spent on entire chapter on background knowledge of the main character (which could have been the damn prologue instead) because she kills some dude. And only at the end too. Useless much? I mean the entire prologue/first chap really could have been giving background information that we actually need.
And I swear to god, there better be a damn good reason her name is Naomi if she's from China. (Unless that's not really her name, then it's chill.)
It's China.
They hate those fucking Japanese.
I swear to god, if I have to listen to my dad rant about them again, I'll shoot myself.
It's of Jewish origin, but Japan is closer, especially if you're this guy.
My point was that I really doubt someone would name their kid that, especially if it's mainland.
People are still bitter about that whole invasion thing.
Fallout? Reads more like the plot to Homefront, actually, what with the Koreans.
His original plot is "so nuclear wasteland we all live in vaults but now we are coming out of them" is pretty Fallout-esque.
Listening to the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack and feeling sadness while downloading all my music back onto my iPod.
Aaaah I'm going to an Evanescence concert on Friday the thirteenth. :DD
Also, I'm gonna get myself some manga-drawing supplies today. :D Yay for new giant book thing of art from Vampire Knight that actually tells me what I've been doing wrong and what else I need. Maybe my manga will actually start looking okay now. XD
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