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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Think there's a random number generator involved?


From the writers it said I wrote like (really, Shakespeare? I wrote that in ninth grade for Christ sakes) I really doubt it actually analyzed my writing. 

I've looked at the background for the program, and it only has 50 authors to pull from, which produces terrible results.

Not surprised. My results were very random and I didn't feel as if they were close in terms of writing style at all. 

Well, at least it's fun to let it read different pieces I've written and tell me what it thinks it is. 

My guess is that it counts which words you use how many times (For instance, nine thousand, "the's," or whatever,), then from the unique words it counts how many adjectives/verbs/nouns or whatever, and then it either compares the words you use with that of famous writers (I used the word, "Thane," once, and thus I get one ping for Macbeth, or whatever) or it just counts the most common words and looks at a list of common words used by famous writers.


Or Wheatley is running it, which is more likely.

I came out to a friend today.

Yes, I'm the kind of asshole that puts one person under the pressure of knowing (I dropped it like a fucking bomb too, there wasn't any preface or anything) and not telling anyone.

He handled it really well though yes, he, I'm also the kind of idiot who tells a person of the same sex that they like males and overall I'm kind of not sure how to feel right now.  He told me he was there for me and everything, and that he would stand by me, and that's when I realized that all of my relationships are bound to change now.  I should, at this point, tell you that like any other normal human, change terrifies me.  And now all I can do is come out to everyone else and powerlessly watch them decide what it means to them.  I just feel so fucking vulnerable, and everything's gonna change, and it took years to get my social life where I like it, and everything's gonna change and I feel like I'm just gonna fucking vomit, but I can't even do that because then my parents will be concerned and I'll have to lie to them again and tell them that everything's fine.

Fuck guys, I may have goofed up hard.

First of all, I wish you the best of luck, because this world can suck a lot and it was a hugely brave thing you did.

Second of all, I think you did the right thing (although, to be fair, I haven't had to do such a thing and wouldn't know what it would feel like personally), and I think that although you might hit rough spots (what with the world sometimes sucking and all), it will get better and easier from here on out.

Know that there are always people (here, the Trevor hotline, the friend you came out to) who will talk when you want and listen when you don't.

Stay strong. Stand up to the oppressors. Be awesome.

1.) I'm the type of person to do that too. What's important is that you choose the right friend to give certain information out to. I dropped out some not-so-pleasant things to one of my friends. Just make sure that they'll support you 100% because nothing is more hurtful than knowing that someone you thought was your friend isn't really. 

2.) Doesn't matter what gender you tell. If someone is going to judge they will. What's more important is knowing that this friend will support you. Not everyone is going to and it's always nice to have someone who is still going to be friends with you no matter what. That being said, like Contra pointed out, we're here for you dude. 

3.) Change really sucks balls. Take it from me, who's been forced to endure radical change in my life based on my parent's whims. However, it doesn't always suck. For example in your situation yes, there is the possibility that some people will judge (fuck them btw) but on the other hand, at least you have this off your chest and well, as harsh as this sound if people's opinion of you do change and they stop being friends with you or whatever, you know that they probably weren't very good friends to begin with. It hurts to know, but in the long run it's a lot better to have a few real friends than a bunch of fake ones. 

This is the third time that my computers professor has moved the time and day of the class around.


These are supposed to be college professors, lights of wisdom in the otherwise dark plains of ignorance--WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND ABOUT WHEN TO LECTURE?!

1/3 of the way through the last Eragon book.
Nothing new yet, mostly pulp and repetition of concepts from the last two books.

I got Inheritance for Christmas. Finished it in three days, and kind of regretted it. I rather enjoyed the series, mostly because it could fill long periods between library trips. I hated having to sift through all the filler chapters, though.

TMI time!!

The bathroom has the distinct odour of dead mouse.

Of course, said dead mouse (or whatever else it is) is not anywhere obvious - not under or in the towel shelf and not in the cabinets.

In the case that it is a) in the roof, or b) behind the fake wall that the shower is up against, we're preeetty much screwed.

Dad's gonna clean out the shower drain to make sure it's not actually festering hairballs, a job I am thrilled not to have to do.

The flies seem to like it. I don't like flies.


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