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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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They don't do that here. 

Someone would complain. A lot.

Wait, so is Colorado one of those bible belt states? I always thought it was weird and was just an exception, like California or something....

Yeah, well, fuck you Canadians with your affordable health care and separation of church from public life.

Not really. The suburb in which I reside is made up almost entirely of white (there are seriously like ten black kids at my school), upper middle-class (one girl in my Spanish class was embarrassed to reveal that she had gotten a Toyota Camry for Christmas because it "isn't a good car"), Christian, conservative families, though.

We're really anal about both of those. You really have no idea how much nationalism is incorporated into our textbooks. "WE'RE NOT AMERICAN BECAUSE OF THIS, THIS, AND THIS!" That being said, would you like to see what our minister of Education sent us recently? This was handed out with my exam schedule. Fucking ridiculous. I bitched about the font for about ten minutes. Seriously, how old does he think we are?

Ah, which is Canadian equivalent of Bible Belt. Our Conservatives in your eyes are like Commies. XD One kid in my school drives an Audi and parks 3 blocks away and my school is considered a "good" school here. Most people just take the bus or walk, that being said, this is also the most diverse school I've been to in my life. 

Also, it's only affordable in all the other provinces but this one. We're like that one really American province. It sucks balls, except we have low taxes.

Lololol, "your friend" and the Comic Sans. At least it looks like he's trying. We don't get any friendly letters. They screw us over without asking here. For example, the best state school just got a proposed 15.7% tuition increase.

There are kids in the school parking lot here with fucking vintage Mustangs. Ugh. I wish I could live in Canada.

According to my government textbook, America has the highest health care cost of any developed nation, but the lowest life expectancy and the highest infant mortality rate. We're 24th in the world in longevity, too.

XD It's funny but so, so, sad at the same time... My friend said if I wrote a letter and swore, he wouldn't read it. :( Now my letter has to be clean. O.o Holy shit. When you say school do you mean like high schools or universities? You guys pay for the best private schools right?

... I don't think I've ever seen a Mustang, except at the mall in those lotteries where it tells me I can win these things. Oh and maybe a few times during the summer, but never at school. We're all too poor/well aware it's going to get stolen.

Sounds like a winner. You also find yourselves to be the least happy. I can kind of see why. We had a serious issue with healthcare here with people being unable to access it (specifically in rural areas and for emergency wait times) .I can't recall exactly how but it results in cuts to the education fund (mainly in the Arts), something to do with the price of hiring doctors going up or something. 

By "best state school got a tuition hike" she means that the uni I go to -- the University of Colorado, a state-funded school -- is upping their tuition.

I go there. I was not told about this. No email, no phone call, no anything. I just found out because of Contra's post.

Also yes our healthcare here is horrible.

oh. Ours are mostly subsidized by the government. Quebec has it the best though. The government pretty much pays their tuition. Our tuition rates for most universities are about the same. Big unis like U of Toronto, U of British Colombia, and McGill Uni are only a thousand or more than other smaller unis like U of Calgary, U of Saskatchewan, Dalhouse U, and U of Alberta. But tution rate everywhere is going up isn't it?

O.o Oh dear. Can't you complain about that and demand to be notified at least?

At least you have insurance? 

I'm a shut-in and don't know for sure about other schools.

Also, my insurance is through my college now :\ My family got dumped after my mom nearly died on the operating table last fall because insurance companies are comic-book evil.

There are no words for how grateful I now am for state-funded healthcare. Hearing all the shit that's come out due to OWS... man, how does a government fail its people that badly?

Because America is real good at being a clusterfuck :\ I might stay here to get my doctorate, but after that I'm definitely out to wherever will take me. 

I'm good with languages and I'm willing to live nearly anywhere. I just want out.

I know, it's a crushing blow.  No more obnoxious "what time is it?" rhetoric, as I fear Tebow Time has forever passed.  Yes, a crushing blow indeed...


ps I... well, I don't hate that dude, but I mildly dislike him. Like mud on my shoes, I guess.


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