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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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People ship it, but I never considered Harry/Hermione as possibly canon when I read the books, and people also ship Drarry and Dramione, so the fact that it is a ship doesn't really mean anything in terms of its legitimacy.

All right.

Those two ships were demonstrations of later-minded people; it takes an older person to see that Draco is a gray-area character.

Oh, okay. I actually understand what your point is now.

I'd always wanted Harry and Hermione to wind up together. JKR says that she's dropped hints that Hermione and Ron would end up a couple, and same for Ginny/Harry, but I don't see the latter very well, and the former pales in comparison to the elephant-sized H/Hr hints.

Besides, what made her think that Ron deserves Hermione in the first place? Jeeeeez. It's even worse than Bella and Edward's creepy relationship IMHO, because Bella's a sniveling bitch, whereas Hermione (up until book 6) is totally badass.

Aw, I loved the Ron/Hermione pairing. Yes Ron's sometimes a prat, but does try and make it better later. Ginny and Harry... well she always had a crush on him, but it did just feel like a crush. And reading about that fucking green eyed monster put me off that pairing for good. No I get, he's jealous, but I now keep picturing a dragon curled up inside Harry waiting to eat Ginny because how dare she not centre her world around him. 

I liked Harry/ Luna though. Never saw H/Hr.

I dunno - Ron's a prat in book one, and he's a prat in book seven, with regular trips to prattery in between. He doesn't really grow up in seven years. He's jealous of Harry's money, fame etc, how could he NOT be jealous of Hermione's smarts, and her obvious future sucess in a career? I can't see how that's good for a relationship?

Ginny has always been a fangirl. She has nothing on-screen to recommend her. If JKR had written SOMETHING about book 7, the year hogwarts... maybe. Otherwise, no.

Albus Severus, my arse. Yes, let's name our child after a master manipulator who screwed up the world and made sure Daddy was all miserable growing up, and an abusive teacher who was partially responsible for the murder of the kid's grandparents!

It looks as though I'll be going to Minnesota over spring break.

The weird thing is that it's basically only happening because my uncle and I had this ongoing stupid back and forth about why I wasn't reading the books or watching the shows he'd told me to (to which I'd reply that I had AP Gov homework, to which he'd reply that if I flew to Minnesota he'd do my homework for me). Today I said that plane tickets were too expensive, so he offered to buy my ticket.

So I'm actually going.

Life is strange, and I am way to godsdamned fortunate for my own good.

Why, what books and shows was he pestering you about?

Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny (specifically the audiobook) and Cordelia's Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold (which he actually sent to me) are the two outstanding books (plus assorted sci-fi authors in general), and he wanted me to watch Steven Moffat's Jekyll and something else that I don't remember.

Once again staring at the list of faculties of UBC and wondering what the fuck I intend to do with my life because apparently, my parents have limited it once again and now I really haven't the faintest clue of what I'm going to do. 

Although I'm sure as hell not going to the U of A. Because then really, what's the point? Why suffer through full IB and work my ass off for perfect grades just to go to the school that accepts anyone with an 80 average instead of dropping to a regular course, acing everything they throw at me, and graduate a semester early and then spend the rest of my time taking naps and not giving a fuck about school? >.> I know they're trying to plot out what will be the least painful for me but holy fuck, do they not realize that it's really pointless to be doing full IB with all three Sciences and working this hard just to go to a mediocre uni? 

You pick a school based off of content and your own personal understanding of yourself. If you truly don't know what you intend to do with your life, going to a high-grades specialty school is a mistake.

Besides, the way I've gathered the current job system works from everyone in every school who's ever had advising is that, especially if you're into sciences, you won't get much with a bachelor's degree, and it's better to spend your undergrad years trying to figure out what you want to do, then getting top marks on a graduate degree than locking yourself with high grades into a topic you really hate, then having to go back and earn a second bachelors.

Myself, for instance. I suffered an existential crisis in the last six months of high school where I realized that, contrary to ten year's worth of earlier beliefs, I wanted to go into physics just about as much as I wanted to stick my arm into the intake valve of a working wood chipper. At the same time I had been looking into both Temple and Drexel. Now, I know that Drexel is supposed to have higher esteem, but they wanted me for science and overall seemed to me to be a focus school for people who knew what they were doing. So instead I went to Temple, I found my direction, and I still have a 3.8 GPA.

I picked a school off the basis that my parents gave me three options: U of S, U of A, and UBC. UBC seemed the least dreadful because I really cannot stand living in the prairies. 

The biggest issue is after three years of thinking of potential careers through I still really don't have a clue. I've talked to friends, advisers, councilors, etc. My parents expect me to be able to sustain myself after I graduate (because at this rate, they can't afford to keep me for longer than another two or three years) and they want me to pick logical jobs which are like pharmacist and accountant. But those are so dreadfully boring and I don't like Math or Chem. 

I'm thinking environmental Sciences and then working for the government because there's an actual demand for that. Plus they even offer jobs for students and internships. And I do care about the environment and wouldn't mind do that for the rest of my life. 


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