Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Progressing? IT'S COMING OUT IN APRIL!!!!!!!! :D

It's coming out on my birthday!

I thought Nazi's were scary, but Nazis from the moon? Heck yeaaaah!

ahahaha oh my god

so missions right

they're a thing right

my cousin is going on one this summer




Mission as in missionary mission?
No issue with that, though I don't quite know why they'd need one over there. Most of the people there are very dead set about their philosophies, they post them in loud bumper stickers all over their cars.

Maybe they're doing humanitarian work? They'll probably dump your poor brother on a kibbutz and have him pick onions for a month. Or maybe they're going to go package food for the Palestinians. Eh. Either way, I could think of a few dozen other countries that could use it. From a GDP standpoint, Israel needs just about as much aid as New Zealand.

Come to think of it, why Israel, other than the fact that it's packed with religious pilgrimage sites?

Yeah, missionary mission as far as I know.

Being unreligious virtually by birth, it wasn't until relatively recently that I learned church missions (very common in my state because fuckin' everyone is Christian) are less about preaching than about sending the kids on a trip.

I'm still wondering how someone sat there and thought "Hmm, you know where we need to send someone to teach the Word of God? ISRAEL!"

Yayyyy to having a sinus infection for three months, and just now going to the doctor...

I have an antibiotic, a pro-biotic, and Nasonex to take for the next 2 weeks, twice a day. Horse pills for the win.... Hopefully my throat will start feeling better, though. I'm tired of feeling like I swallowed battery acid after singing a high A in my chorus class.

Also, they took 5 vials of blood. I told them I was tired, so they decided to test for mono, thyroid levels, CBC, etc. etc. My arm hurts. :P

Man, I don't think I have 5 vials of blood in me.

We all have about three quarts, so they say...

It's (very) approximately 70 ml per kilo body weight of circulating blood.

... 5 vials, at what, 5 ml per vial? Unless they use the'ye using the 10 ml-ers.

I'm assuming the smaller ones.

I think I'm taking too great a pleasure in playing the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game on my brother's xbox. On the other hand, I'm not staying on Tumblr for as long.

Still, staring at screens is staring at screens.

I just want to go back to theatre. ugh.

my emotions are in a constant swing between euphoria and vague shittiness. I suppose it's better than hitting depression, but I had a case of crippling self-loathing (read: eat lots of shit food and listen through my entire Tom Lehrer collection while laying on the new couch) the other day that wasn't too much fun.

hormones fucking suck.

so now I'm going to go watch X-Men: First Class and try to ignore the fact that I spent hours already today virtually running around to save the galaxy while actually sitting on my ass drinking tonic water

thank the fucking gods it's Friday

I wake up this morning and this is the first thing I see on CNN:

Bleh XP 


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