Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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sometimes i can't believe i live in a place where some people simultaneously believe that erectile dysfunction is a health care-worthy disease and women who want health care-funded birth control are sluts.

Yesterday I learned someone in my Bio class doesn't believe in Evolution. She called it stupid. This is the same girl who if is unable to be a vet, wishes to become a marine biologist. 

And this is my province: 

They are the two most popular political parties in our area. I have no faith in people anymore. 

This week feels like shitty upon shitty upon shitty. 

Can't wait for this stupid weekend to come. 

PPL nav exam.

I'm pretty sure I passed.

I recently realized I am kind of an evil person. I can accept this. I think the acceptance worries me.

Is there a story behind this...?

My friend and I have been secretly setting up two of our friends. Today, we went on a 'group bowling trip'. The thing is, everyone cancelled except me, my boyfriend, my friend, her boyfriend, and the secret set-up. So, they were stuck with the couples and forced to interact. This was the plan from the beginning.

Also, my friend, and the girl of the set-up were planning to see 'The Lucky One' next weekend. My friend is now bringing her boyfriend. He is dragging the guy of the set-up. Also a plan.

We are evil. I can accept this. *shrug* Maybe it will work out for them. But either way, if/when (and there really is no if, it is a when) she finds out, my friend and I will die. I am okay with this.

XD  Fun, fun.

Everything I eat makes me feel sick a few hours later.

My stomach hates me.

so last night was the closing night for the final show of this year (Pirates of Penzance), which means, among other things, that it was the last show night with the seniors.

about ten minutes prior to the end of the first act, my friend's mother (who was in the audience) had a seizure. she's fine now (thank the gods), but during the twenty minutes when we (cast and crew) stood hand-in-hand in a circle in the greenroom, not really knowing what happened or if she would be okay, i was more consciously terrified than i have ever been in my life.

my friend (the stage manager) and her mother went to the hospital, and my other friend called the rest of the show.

it's kind of sad, but also kind of beautiful, that half the reason that tears were streaming down my face was because i love the people in theatre so goddamn much. i have never felt such visceral emotional support and love from a group of people ever.

we finished that fucking show, and we got a standing ovation.

dear lord am i going to miss them.

Good job for pulling through!

Today is Anzac day, which is Veteran's Day for Australia and New Zealand.

Lest We Forget.


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