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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*offers tea*

Oh I had that done... almost a year ago now. Well, four, not three but still. My own problem was the swelling pushed on some nerves which made it hard to speak for a bit. Good luck with the recovery, I'm sure you'll feel better soon.

Yikes. Mine are just starting to grow. I really don't want to have them cut out.... It sounds so painful.


Eat lots of ice cream and feel better.

Depends who your surgeon is, and how impacted they are.

For instance, I had a good surgeon and they weren't that impacted. Because of that, I'm managing pretty well, and I have zero memory of the surgery. Feels more like I got bumped in the jaw than had surgery done.

Also, it depends which medication they give for your pain. I was given Hydrocodon. A friend of mine was given something different and had a terrible time.

More flying today.

They're actually gonna let me out of the circuit by myself.

So the AP English Lang test was today.

I think I did fine on the multiple choice section, but I got SUPER CRAMPS during the essay section, which undoubtedly dropped my score from the four or five it could have been to the two or three I'll be lucky to get now.

Well. Good thing the college I (desperately) want to go to only offers elective credit for the exam.

Legit track meet was today. I got a tan, not last place (at least in the 800 M, so proud of myself) and realized that I definitely should have done the 3000 M just to get into Zones next week and having bragging rights even if I was dead last...

All in all, pretty good day. Not looking forward to English tomorrow. Or Biology. Or double Bio on Monday. Or my IB French test Tuesday... 

I also feel the need to mention that I intensely dislike track because everyone says "I did good" or "you did good" you can't "do good" people, you "do well". Good doesn't even flow properly in your sentence dammit. Thank you that one guy who DID tell other people that (just to show I wasn't batshit crazy) as much of an asshole as you are, I admire your ability to become aware that "doing good" doesn't sound very nice. Nor is it grammatically correct but I doubt half my paragraph is either and okay, it's just one of my huge pet peeves. 

8 mosquito bites on my arms. Two on my elbow. Two on my knuckles. Ohhhh my gosh the itching.

The Prime Minister (aka the dude who kinda sorta is the leader of NZ, damn constitutional monarchies are complicated) was at the morning farmers market.

That's almost as lame as the time I nearly met Prince William.

Got a seven (32-40 out of 40) on my practice IB French exam. Which roughly translates to a 5 in the AP exams or a 98 in regular school. So happy about this, I was really aiming for a six to begin with and the parts I messed up were all grammar, not comprehension. This means that if I work a little harder on the grammar and do a bit better on the writing portions (aiming for a 6/7) then I can score a 7 overall and have my first IB exam as a 7 (assuming that I did not score a 7 on my speaking that was done a while ago, which I probably didn't). That'd be pretty fricken awesome.  

Dissected a cat this week. At first, I thought it was gross. Eventually though, it was pretty cool. Today, I was even able to touch the cat without wearing gloves. It was nifty.

The Wiggles! Most of them are deserting!


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