Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My class will have around 5-8 people. As far as I know, I'm the only girl and I already hate half my class. Whoo. Can't wait. 

On the bright side, I can always afford to drop it and take World Religion and a spare/free (that block where you don't have a class, I don't know what you'd call it) instead.  

I'm going to see Jason Mraz live.

This is a big deal.

Bit of a crap flight today... just couldn't get on speed or on time! Two weeks ago, I was nailing it!

I did learn a few things - dealing with a new rego, dealing with lots of traffic in the circuit (incl. gliders), and refuelling, so not a total loss. But did, what, 6 circuits, and managed two landings (and 3 go arounds!), and the instructor did another.



Officially get to go to the summer camp on the United Nations this summer. Probably won't know anyone, but I'm cool with that. 

And because I needed a sport, decided to join track. And apparently my Chem teacher is the coach for distance runners. Wheeeo. Can't wait to die. 

I think I'm officially going to the school of my dreams next year. I think I'm going to explode.

Also, Pottermore is open to the public. Not that there's anything for me to do there at the moment, since they haven't opened any other books besides the Sorcerer's Stone.

In other news, I made a beautiful tiny black and white top hat for Prom and a decorative copper wire tree. I still don't have my dress finished for Prom, though. I'm behind on my Psych homework, but I'll live. I'm now off to a motorcycle run with my mom.

I love my life.

Eh, I was over pottermore ages ago. There's a fair amount of interesting information, but if I want that, I just go to the fansites which have distilled it for easy reading.

Did not win Prom Queen. I'll admit, I was disappointed, though not surprised. I was surprised by who who, though. I thought it would be someone else entirely. Still, Prom was actually the best date I've ever been on. It was so much fun and I had a damn good time. :D

Ughh... My stomach hurts. It's waves of pain in an area between my navel and ribcage, over to the left. I took some ibuprofen, and it's a little better... But gah. Ow.

Left as in your left hand, or as in someone looking at you's left.

Left as in left hand. They're better now.

Ah, okay.

Interesting location to feel pain from.

Intestinal cramp?


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