Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Also convinced that the Alberta Debate Association decided to hate on all the grade 12's this year. Let's put Regionals one day after all your exams! Model Ledge right before you submit your marks to Unis aaaand have all the other debates one week after one another! wheee. 

I fucking hate you. 

Oh wow.

Well, I was re-admined on that one minecraft server about a month ago because even though I was no longer involved in problem-solving, I was being dragged into it anyway. Now the admins are at war with each other, and I'm trying to contact the owner before someone does something stupid and damages the server file.

Not helping is the fact that the two belligerents consist of an American side, which consists of two emotionally unstable people, a guy who is prone to overaction, and a British guy who got caught on the wrong side of the fence; and a European side that consists of a clique of individuals 14 or younger, including two concertedly young british kids as admins and an older Irish guy who, though he isn't an admin, ignored rank and started de-oping everyone.

All of these people have op/deop powers and console access.

I became worried and started typing up a letter of concern to the owner last night, but stopped, and one of the Americans apparently decided to open his mouth on the topic while I was at holiday services. This freaked out the Europeans, and the Irish guy did his thing.

I think I'm going to go back to novel writing for a while. ;D

What ever came of that one novel you were working on ages ago?

Did you finish writing/editing it?  What's come of it? XD

If you plan to publish it, I will buy it then use appropriate stalking skills to find you one day and make you sign it. Only not with your real name, but as EndOfTheEarth. I hope to be your first Canadian purchase.

Fifth draft. XP

These things take time to polish. I'm one of those people who is never satisfied with a first draft, and spends a lot of time working on trying to Get It Right. The present revision demanded an 80-page-plus part that was missing from the original draft, so it's taking a while.

Well, that sounds like a party.

Also enjoy writing, I'm still in the throes of research and oh god send help

For EndOf and anyone else who is interested:

Flying twice today hopefully, as the weather is nice!

Unfortunately September thus far has been shitty weather with wind or rain (and I was appalled when I looked in my logbook to find my last flight was the 28th of August, and my last solo flight in July!), but we're supposed to have a good week and I'm booked in everyday for at least one flight!

At the moment I have just finished the low flying part of the syllabus. Normally flying around below 500ft is a no-no, but we do a couple of hours flying around at 200ft (which is very, very low!!!) so we can get used to how different the picture is if we're ever forced by weather into it. I'm to start Instrument Flying today. We have to do 5 hours simulated instrument flight (IF) to get a licence, because the average life expectancy if you fly into cloud with no training is less than a minute. The whole point of PPL IF is so that you can get out of a crap situation and hopefully live.

If you haven't guessed, 90% of what is taught at PPL is not 'how to fly', but instead 'this is what you do when [x] goes wrong'.

After this lot I've just got to do one or two more actual lessons, and fly my cross countries! I'm quite looking forwards to those. I think we go up to New Plymouth for a couple of flights. There's a good cafe there.

And then lots of revision, flights with the Big Boss (maybe. Well, probably, he's been quite interested in my progress) and the chief instructor (definitely) and then sit my flight test. Hopefully this will be in the next couple of months!

And then if any of you come to NZ we will have to go for a fly somewhere. :)


Since you're doing instrument landings and low-level flyings, do they expect you to be able to land in a thick fog, or do you have an autoland do that for you?

Heh, no way. Not at my level of flying! If there was fog, I'd have to divert to another airfield until the fog cleared up! Very few aircraft (that aren't used commercially) have the ability to autoland because the tech is still very expensive, and the situations in which it can be used quite limited. Few airports have the associated tech to make it possible. Those airports that don't close in fog, or only allow take-offs. TBH, most commercial flights don't autoland or use instruments to land when they DO have the tech, unless they have to. Landing isn't difficult, per se, but there are lots of variables which human brainpower tends to deal with better than computers. As an example - We've had Auckland, Hamilton and Christchurch all closed at once before due to fog, and nothing lands even with the hardware! Ohakea has the only other runway in NZ long enough for bigger aircraft like 747's, so they all end up parked up here until the fog clears!

Holy shit, business start-up logistics are complicated. I mean ridiculously complicated.

I never want to own a business. Ever.

This thing was scarily accurate.


Some of those were difficult...

Very accurate and interesting, though...


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