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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Maybe this explains the constant errors in the books? JP has to edit it, then someone doesn't bother to make corrections in the rest of the book(s) and suddenly Max has three different hair colours?

The editors were semi-blind after reading the 3rd sentence. Or asleep. Or both.

I dunno, the owners of Hachette are technically French so maybe they were also on smelly blue cheese and wine?

Well, that was fun. >.>

Last night we went to a little private party at my Grandma's favorite restaurant because it's closing down soon. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the youngest person there- most of the guests were about my Grandma's age. It was boring as heck until Grandma started asking me if I wanted anything to drink.

Apparently I'm still absolutely fine after two large alcoholic drinks and a shot. It was an interesting experience at least. All my mom's idea, by the way. She ordered all of the drinks; Grandma paid for them.

The problem now is that Cody came with us and had a few beers (like three and a half, but it's not like he hasn't done this before) and now his mom is freaking out. Probably because he drove home last night, but I'm not sure. She's blowing up Mom's phone with messages too quickly for her to read them.

Anyway, it was supposed to be a good lesson for the future. Mom wanted me to know what it was like before I went off to college. 

Hehehe, this is fun.

You can "collab" with famous writers. I got the word "walls" replaced with "battlements". XD

DELF (a French exam) results were in today. Ahahahha, my writing comprehension (one of the easier ones) is as bad as the listening (which is the hardest). 

Also, in my common final exam (which was 100x easier than the DELF) I got a 74% in the speaking, but on the DELF I got a 20/25... XD 

Oh and the certificate spelled my name wrong. Yay. >.> 

Flew yesterday.

Wingdrop stalls.

... stalling an aircraft is what happens when there isn't sufficient airflow across the wing to keep the aircraft flying. Wingdrop stalls are what happens when one wing stops flying before the other.

You go from flying with the nose very high, to the wings are sideways and you're pointing at the ground.

Here is a somewhat tamer example ^.

The first time my instructor demo-ed it, I thought I was gonna die. The second time (and third) my instructor demo-ed it, I thought "The fuck why are we doing this, OMG."

Then my instructor said, "Oh by the way, you get to go and do these solo on the next flight."

And then he got me to do some. The first time I basically froze. The second one was better. By about the fifth, I was recovering from them just fine.

And they're fun (now). Also terrifying.

I did a second flight with another instructor practicing steep/compass turns and some more wingdrops. So I'll probably go do some solo next week.

Just figured I'd stop by and say hi. I've been doing pretty well. I started packing some of my stuff for college, the stuff I don't need right now like towels and sheets. My little sister turns sixteen this weekend which is strange. I'm helping to throw a surprise party for another friend on the 19th. And I'm almost done with a series of stories that I've been working on/rewriting since I met you guys. All in all, things are good. C:

That's great to hear!

When do you go back to school?

Haven't posted more than a few times since NaNo, but I lurk often enough, so perhaps I should. Well, I'm finally done with the horrible school system here for good, which is nice, because now I can unabashedly love my town. I definitely don't want to live here when I'm older, but when you're not interacting with the youth it's just such a quaint, picturesque place. I won't miss it when I go to school, but I won't dread coming back, which is nice.

Everything feels a bit unreal right now. A lot of things in my life are finally coming together that I've been working towards for years, and I'm overall really pleased with where I am right now, besides minor family troubles and that I'm leaving for a camp I really don't want to go to tomorrow. My friends are amazing, I'll probably never have to interact with any of the people I've ever hated or even moderately disliked up to this point in my life, I'm going to an incredible school and already have at least one guaranteed friend there. We started talking on Facebook last week and had a pretty heated discussion about favorite Star Wars characters and, later, if the sorting system at Hogwarts is detrimental to the development of students. I'm drawing more and trying out different styles, I'm passionate about things, and I've started reading the Spiderman comics, which is sure to keep me occupied for a while, considering that I torrented the first 500 (there are about 150 more than that) a few days and have only read 11. They're genuinely funny, too.

I'm happy.

I'm glad to hear that. ^.^


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