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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have no idea why, but Ning keeps hiding this post (at least from me). So here it is.

1) They don't teach you that because the 5-paragraph-essay version is easier.

2) You present the argument that way to demonstrate that you reached the conclusion as part of a process, without the preamble that essentially only reminds the reader that you're going to get there eventually. Alternately, the expectation is that the title will do the work of the first paragraph/first thesis mention.

I know, it's really weird, yet some professors prefer that method. I think it's because they want to feel compelled to read the whole essay, where if you tell the thesis upfront it's considered boring--this makes the different sort of essay kind of like a mystery novel in some respects...

3) Send copy?

1) To write or to read/make sense of? 

2) It doesn't work well in this case, but I suspect this may have more to do with the fact that the author either doesn't know what the fuck she's trying to say or doesn't know how to say it concisely/in an organized fashion/at all than the style itself.

3) I would, but it's five pages long and I can't find it on the teacher's page, so I'd have to either a) photocopy it and all my infuriated annotations or b) retype it myself, which I'm not up for doing at this point. If I'm bored tomorrow I will though.

Today, or yesterday at this point, I broke up with my boyfriend. It had been the plan for a few months. No point in trying the long distance. We know we can't do it. So we decided to end things before I leave. Today/yesterday was when we ended it. It was sad and I cried a little on his shoulder and we kissed one last time and then I went inside. As soon as the door was shut, I started bawling. I know we're making the right choice, but it super-duper sucks. =/

-Gives tea- It's okay Fate. These sorts if things are bound to happen and at least you didn't leave in bad terms. If you dragged it out for too long while you went to school away you could have ruined your relationship to the point where it turned sour. -Gives more tea-

Since Xuut got the tea, imma send you some virtual digestives.  *nods*

I don't believe she will. She has a lot of evidence against her, and if she was serious, she wouldn't have even bothered to say anything to you, and you'd be talking to their lawyer, not they themselves (unless they are self-representing; something which is ill-advised, and which it sounds like you would have the upper hand in anyway).

Thank god. My parents are pissed I didn't tell them because for some reason, our dog is unlicensed >.> which I think is their concern. But she sounded drunk and I didn't even get to speak to her husband and he seemed perfectly fine/unbothered by the fact that my dog nipped him. He was laughing and talking to someone else when I left.

Edit: Reposting this here because I accidentally deleted the original post on my phone. :\

What the fuck.

Some crazy bitch (I suspect she may have had an alcoholic beverage or two) just came up to our place and told us that our dog bit her husband and that because of that, she wants to press charges and have our dog taken away.

1.) I had him restrained on a leash with a choke collar. When I tell him off outside of the house he obeys.
2.) Her husband APPROACHED my dog and pet him WITHOUT ASKING "is it okay?".
3.) When my dog growled I pulled him back and said no, dude continues to pet try to pet my dog claiming that, "he isn't always this mean to me!" implying that he's touched my dog before. My mom takes my dog out so I wouldn't know if he has, but seriously what the fuck.
4.) There was this dude standing by the rail (but I don't know if he's living here) who was standing there the entire time (looked scared out of his wits when he saw my dog, dog sniffed him, I called him away, everything was fine) and he was there for the entire thing and HE DID NOT GET BITTEN BY MY DOG.

Seriously. If you approach MY DOG and don't ask if you can pet him and then he growls at you giving you a light nip that basically says "fuck off" and you KEEP DOING IT, then that's your fault. Don't fucking come up to our place and threaten me you psychotic bitch. God, people only do this because I have a large dog. Fucking ridiculous.

And to top this all off, when I answered the door my dog started barking (because he's a dog) and then he tried to rush out of the front door (because he's a dog) and I closed it and she tried to open it again. Seriously. It's like she's trying to fucking find a reason to sue us and get money from us or something.

God, if this bitch takes this shit to trial, I wonder if I can go down the street and ask the neighbors to attest the fact that my dog has never bitten them despite being more or less strangers... So fucking pissed. What a god damn crazy bitch.

I bought a deck of Tarot cards yesterday. I just thought it was interesting and I wanted to learn something new, plus they're really pretty and I might even use the cards themselves for art and/or writing inspiration. I've been reading about it too, and did my first reading on one of my own questions just now. 

It's just like a horoscope or a fortune cookie, but with extra meanings that you can interpret any way you want, really. I mean, each card has an entire list of different things it could mean, and you could make it sound good or bad or anything in between, and even if it's not perfect you can find some way to make it fit into your life at the moment. My reading seemed pretty spot-on, but that might just be because I interpreted it that way.

So basically it's half luck of the draw and half interpretation and BS of the reader, but it's still fun to read them. Plus, my sister has a bunch of Pagan friends who love this shit. Some of the lore and mythology is pretty interesting, but all their rituals and other beliefs are kind of ridiculous. 

Anyone have a question/want a reading? :D 

Ask them who's going to win in Syria?


That's the problem. They don't answer straightforward questions like that. 

And the nature of your question leads me to believe that you think fate is predetermined? It's not a problem, just something to ask yourself before you start asking me.

That's another thing about these. They're vague as hell, especially when you believe fate is NOT predetermined and you just want advice for the future, because that's all it's supposed to give you if that's what you believe.

I suppose I can try a simple three card spread and see what it says...

The first card represents the situation, the second the problem, and the third is the solution.

One: the Eight of Swords. The picture depicts a swan stuck in a patch of brambles and only the tiny hummingbird can save it by moving one thorny branch at a time. This could mean someone feels trapped and can't use their usual methods of freeing themselves from their predicament. In this situation, maybe a group of people who are depending on someone else, even though they want to fight on their own.

Two: the Seven of Swords. The picture shows a masked thief taking a sword from a seemingly oblivious overseer, and attacked by questioning blackbirds who want him to share, since he is the first to succeed in this theft. This is a person who does not want to take on responsibility but wants everything for himself; someone who is two-faced and deceptive, obsessed with money and power. He seems trustworthy at first, but should not be trusted.

Three: The Lovers. This represents a union, harmony, and balance. Maybe a marriage, but I don't quite see how that would play into this situation. Maybe a peace contract or treaty, or two countries becoming one?

See, you can make anything fit. You can look up the cards, too, if you want to know more about what they could mean. I made half of that up based on what this book says about the cards and what might fit with it. It sounds legit, but it's a whole lotta BS.

Horoscopes work the same way. XD Ambiguity sells. 


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