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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Do you have a meal plan or something? :\ If not, a friend of yours might be able to use theirs to get you some food at the dining hall (bring a backpack and some food storage containers). Or get someone to loan you money and go get some cheap groceries?

Well, I have a little cash and an automatic 15 meal per week plan, so I got some friends to drive me to Wal-Mart. I got a bunch of ramen. I'll be okay for a while. XD

Two days after pretty much the best summer camp ever. I hear that people even after several years still have reunions even though it's only 5 days. Aha, life changing indeed. Super sad to leave, but also happy to be home. I still feel tired even though I got 9 hours of sleep though. v.v 

Even though most of you all are in uni now, I think it's so surreal to be looking through scholarships and school applications and thinking, "this is the last year of high school". I don't /feel/ anywhere close to being an adult or a graduate. Especially since three years ago, I would never have seen myself in this position. Hmm.

I still don't feel like a high school graduate or like a college kid. I think everyone looks way older than me. It's weird.

Being in college doesn't make you feel any different, really. I still feel the same, like I should still be in middle school or something. 

You still looking at UBC? 

@Fate: XDD I learned that the camp counselors weren't much older than us (the campers) since most of them were like 18/19 but I totally thought they were 20-25... Nice to know that feeling doesn't go away then. 

@Nighthawk: I feel like high school is okay, like being in grade 11 I fit. But grade 12/an adult feels so intimidating and scary. I mean it's really awesome because you're being independent and what not, but holy shit. 

@Lampy: Yes. UBC has a very nice journalism program and a very good commerce program (the two that I'm looking into) but I'm not really fond of the like, 50% Asian population. >.> Or the fact that my grandparents live there. Plus I don't know anyone going there which could be problematic since I plan on living with a friend at Queen's (either 1st or 2nd year for sure). Although in terms of financial aid atm, UBC > Queens because UBC offers scholarship money to full IB students and Queens doesn't. Although I hear UBC gets the most full IB applications per year. :\ Plus UBC has a shit tonne more financial aid stuff and it's a lot closer to my parents but Queens is a lot closer to home so I'm really stuck between the two. >.> (Assuming they actually accept me lololol.)

Apply to both.

Also yeah being an adult is terrifying. I sign the lease for the house I'm renting tomorrow and what? What? I don't remember being this old!

I plan to do that. I don't think I'll be screwed over in admissions (although I'm a bit nervous for both) but I have no idea what to do if I actually get in. Plus then there's breaking the news to my parents that I have no intention of going to the U of A... 

O.O But... but... It felt like just yesterday you were telling us about moving out of your parents place. 

That was for the dorms :V Now I am old, and have a house. 

*interrupts* You aren't that old. Aren't you only a year older than me? Don't make me feel old. D:

I've been putting off on that. I'm in my senior year and am still living in the dorm.

So no. You're not "old" until College is done. Or that's what I keep telling myself.


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