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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Do you hate it when somebody asks for your opinion on which of two options you should collectively go with, and then sarcastically dismisses you for picking one of them despite it having been presented previously as a perfectly viable choice?

Because I definitely fucking do.

It's even worse because this kid is supposed to be my friend, but now that he's fucking president of the drama club, he thinks he can walk over everyone like he's superior in some important way. jfc I swear I am going to strangle him before the end of the show.

One of my closest friends here and my debate partner broke into finals at Debate. (She placed fourth and promptly won the final debate round). How does my supposedly supportive team react? Well everyone else was pretty cool and happy and most of us stayed to watch the last round (I did a cheer and claimed my school was better than the rest) but one of our exec members threw a bitch fit and left pretty early. Apparently he's super pissed because he didn't place. 

And I'm just sitting here wishing that when we're seventeen fucking years old that we can grow up. It's a god damn high school debate, chill out and be happy for someone for once. 

Good god, he has the mentality of every other "serious" debater who throws a hissy fit when they don't win. He is EXACTLY like my brother and all of those snobby OSA students that piss me off so much. Sportsman ship is accepting that YOU DON'T ALWAYS WIN. Why is it so hard for these people to accept? Yes, this is your forte, but that doesn't mean you dominate it every time. Occasionally, someone else will win too. How fucking hard is that to accept? What's even more demeaning was the way two OSA girls treated my friend. During the entire final debate round they literally treated her like shit and demeaned her as if she wasn't on their level. The only redeemable person was the kid from Calgary and given the pretentiousness of the Calgary team, that's just sad. 

Hey assholes, she got in fair and square. If you can't deal with that, please leave. You're high school students, either grade 11 or 12, stop throwing this childish bitch fit and treat others with some respect. Ugh, I hate the elitist mentality of their school. Same thing happened last year too when one of my friends won an award and an OSA girl didn't. Sometimes, it just makes me want to stop going to these sorts of things altogether, 

(Insert long, winding rant about the American Entitlement Generation here...)

In recent news...

I've always been the kind of girl who had lots of guy friends and I've loved them all to death. Most of them (all but one) went to NAU (the one is at U of A). I miss them, but apparently they don't really miss me.

Dan dated a friend of mine and they broke up. He stated hating me about a month before the end of their relationship and now no longer speaks to me.

Brandon and Rob don't talk to me anymore because of Dan.

It turns out that Nate's fiance hates me (like a lot, it really makes me sad) and so Nate doesn't speak to me anymore either. This one hurts the most, because Nate has always been like a brother to me. It kills me that he won't have anything to do with me these days. I used to tell him everything and vice versa and these days...nothing. Six years of friendship disappeared in six weeks and it hurts. But she makes him happy and I'm happy for him, I really am. I just wish she didn't hate me so much.

Things between with my ex are...weird, but for the most part they're good. I miss him and whatnot, but we still talk. It's not the same as it was before we dated and definitely not the same as it was while we were dating, but it's better than nothing.

Out of all my guy friends up at NAU, only Smidge treats me exactly the same as he always has and I pretty much love him to death for it. It could not be more grateful for it, honestly. I'm pretty sure it's only because he lives off campus, so everyone else's opinion hasn't affected him. But whatever the reason, he's my favorite person ever right now, because he hasn't changed at all and it's great.

Point of rant: I guess...I just miss having my guy friends and it hurts that most of them don't consider me a friend anymore.

Note: Fake names for their sake, except for 'Smidge', which isn't actually his name but it is the nickname he goes by.

XD  I have a similar thing.

But probably 3/4 of the friends I've ever made irl in this country are on campus.  And instead of legit drama, they're just too lazy to walk anywhere to meet me.  Recently the one person who live in my dorm and I have walked over together.  But guys, crew is kicking my butt.  And holy crap, school+sports+work is insane.

They've already named some guy my official replacement.  Hardly in the joking fashion, either, sadly.  

But we can be lonely together if it'll help!

And if not, NaNo will distract you in a month. XD

Most of my female friends are here, luckily. And I get to see most of them on a regular basis. (Once a week, if not more.)

D: That's terrible.

XD I'm not too lonely. Just really miss the guys.

NaNo. x.x

I go to a women's college now, so guy friends on campus is impossible. It's actually really annoying. >.> I have to either call my boyfriend or walk five blocks to the comic book store for any male interaction. Since I've gotten here I've learned how to play Magic: The Gathering. Yu-Gi-Oh is next. XD

...all of my guy friends played (probably still play) Magic. I was the only one of the girlfriends who made no effort to learn it. My boyfriend didn't even try making me.

I loved Yu-Gi-Oh as a TV show. Never played the game, though.

I couldn't handle no male interaction. I just...I need guy friends. I really do.

Poetry on par with Oingo Boingo.

Do you ever feel like a creeper when you're driving and you're accidentally following someone, and they turn and you take the same turn and you do this like three times?

Well, I feel like a creeper most of the time, but then especially.

Also, when I'm in a group, sometimes somebody will go somewhere, and I'll follow them unintentionally for a second before sitting back down because I'm afraid of it looking weird. (Like if I'm eating lunch in a cafeteria, and someone goes off to throw away their food, and I decide to a split second later because I'm operating on auto-pilot. It's embarrassing, and I hate actually having to wait to do things like this because I'm so afraid of looking like I'm being a creeper.)

I really hate when people talk about the election

and they literally have no fucking idea what they're talking about

so all they do is insult Romney for stupid shit

rather than the substance he should be getting shit for


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