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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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This is the best thing ever. You can make your own nebula thing and it's so pretty and ugh. 


I just wasted half an hour of my life playing with that. 

Would do again. 

The other day I spent like an hour on it.

It's my desktop background now.

Mine also. Very pretteh.

I'm going to start this off by saying that I am in no way religious, and I'm sorry if I offend those of you who are, but I honestly don't get it.

Why do people believe that prayer is an effective tool of change?

My friend is going on a mission trip to Thailand in December to do some missionary stuff and to do something (I'm not sure what) about sex trafficking, which is apparently a big problem there. This, of course, is all well and good, but the event page also recommends that everyone pray really hard before they go, because

"Can you imagine the difference there will be when 5,000 young people pray for one country everyday? God moves through our intercessory. Prayer is POWERFUL :D"


First of all, it strikes me as really ethnocentric that people believe that either a) people in Thailand aren't praying for their country/its people; or b) Thai prayer doesn't work for some reason, and only the prayer of some white "young people" from  Colorado will help the situation.

And secondly, what kind of a God do you believe in if you believe that the reason God isn't helping victims of sex trafficking is that there aren't enough requests for it?


I mean, it's obviously great that they're going to another country and that they have the sincerest intentions in helping its people, but I really don't get where prayer comes into it as an actual method of help.


In follow up, this is a status from another (unrelated) friend:

Yknow, instead of liking a picture to send prayers or respect, maybe you could... I don't know... Actually pray for that cause?

To this I think: Y'know, maybe instead of sitting down and thinking nice things about it, maybe you could... I don't know... Actually do something to help somebody?

I get that people want to believe that there is a God that has loving control over everything, and maybe there is one, but I really can not understand the belief that prayer does anything. People pray all the time that bad things won't come to pass, but they do every day. There are probably billions of prayers 'sent out' every day, and quite clearly many of them aren't answered. And the belief that they aren't answered for some people because they're not of the right religion kind of disgusts me.

But anyway.


God actually only responds to the ninth prayer every day. Getting more people to pray for the same thing is mostly just increasing the odds of lucking out and being lucky caller number nine. Also you have to answer trivia questions before you win.

Jokes aside, I think that prayer is reasonable, but actually expecting God to help is foolish. I guess I can't speak from personal experience (All of my improvised prayers tend to go along the lines of, "Dear God. Um, hi. This is a bit awkward, but I'd really like it if I got over my depression...actually, no, that's selfish. There are a lot more worthy causes then myself. Can you cure cancer, or something? Sorry, I don't really know how you operate. It's, uh...wait, no, what about starvation! Or AIDS! Hell, unhappiness in general. But...then I don't think we'd be human, 'cause all our needs would be provided for...I don't know, you're more experienced at this than I am. Do whatever you think is right. But...what if we don't like it? What if your definition of morality isn't right?! What if no ethical philosophy is right?! I...guess I don't really believe in you. I mean, you might be there, but at best you're more like an introverted guy who lives in the same apartment than a father or anything. Not that I'm not thankful...I mean, I don't mean to jump to conclusions. I honestly don't like you that much, but what if you have your reasons? Anyways...yeah, by the way, I was wondering, how are you doing? Are you...happy? I guess you wouldn't be. You seem like you would be lonely. Do you want to talk sometimes? I don't really know you, but if there's anything I can do for you, I'll be glad to give it a shot. I mean, you must have a hard life. Aren't you bored? But...where was I? Praying to you, I think. So, uh....prevent the heat death of the universe, or something. That sounds like it would be moral. I don't know what heat death is, but it sounds bad. And...yeah. Goodbye, I guess,") but I always thought that prayer was partially just self-therapy. Reform Jewish prayers tend to be part tradition, part culture (including hanging out with other Jews), and part self-reflection, in any case.

I don't think the intention is "OUR RELIGION IN THE RIGHT RELIGION AND OUR PRAYERS MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER IN LIFE" (well I hope it isn't, you live in Colorado so you never know...) I think it's more of a "oh wow 5 000 people and they are all prayer for you guys! 5 000+ prayers to add to all of the other prayers!" 

Second I'm atheist for the exact reasons you've listed. Like, if god exists, and he wants to benefit every one of his creations, then why do we eat animals? Aren't they god's creation too? Why does shitty stuff happen to people? Because of the devil? But if God is all powerful, then how come he can't just stop the devil's evil doings? Furthermore, heaven is basically a bribe. Do good things in life so that way you can go to paradise! Um, but isn't that making your motivation behind doing the good things impure? Shouldn't you WANT to do good things because you want to help people? 

Third of all, I'm so fucking tired of those god damn likes/shares shit on Facebook. Oh wow you cared so much that you decided to like/share a page that you glanced at for about two seconds on your Facebook feed. Go educate yourself on the fucking problem then go do something about it. I don't even mind Facebook statuses so as long as they're not those god damn copy and paste ones. That at least requires you to put into your own words and thoughts as to what the issue is and why it's important. Instead of fucking sharing a picture or a status which means shitall. And don't get me started on those god damn "like if you love god/your mom/hate child abuse/etc if you ignore you're an evil sinful asshole!"

The function of prayer, in my opinion, is more about focusing your head on the things you want done, and the things that you feel are important. Consider it an ad-hoc directed organizing process.

And setting up an organizing process can go a long way.

I hurt my tooth on friday, and since my brain clearly doesn't understand that pain is supposed to be located in the damaged area only and not other places as well, I've had a nonstop headache in the meanwhile. It is quite unpleasant, and I'm having a bit of trouble functioning normally.

I'm taking some serious DoT to my SAN points. Luckily, it seems to have died down a bit now. I can think!

Well this is disappointing. 

The summer camp I attended this year just released its application form for counselors. I'd be so down to do it but it requires a minimum 2 year commitment and they have random meetings throughout the year in various parts of Alberta. 

This would be great... if I didn't plan to go to an out of province university, therefore making these trips impossible. :( 

I'm drinking my favorite English Breakfast tea for the first time since I've moved into my dorm. I forgot to get cream/milk, but it's still good with enough sugar.

I'm very tired. I wish I could take a week off or something, but no, I have quizzes and exams in the very near future. I'm also waiting for Cody to get off of work so we can Skype and work this thing out. I thought we were doing well, but I forgot that he needs me a lot more than I need him. I guess I've been neglecting him... I'm too independent and airheaded to pay enough attention.

I wish I could just type him a letter or something. Words come out a lot easier when I'm writing them. I can never gather the courage to say what I want when I'm speaking to someone in person.

I feel like I'm going to cry, but only because my eyes are tired. I've been sleeping like a rock lately, but when I wake up I feel like I've been sleeping on rocks. 


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