I am incredibly excited about Halloween. I probably already posted about this. *too lazy to check*
There's a party across the street from Campus (hosted by the school) which I am definitely attending. My friends are going to be some of the Avengers and I'm going to be Lady Loki. Somehow we ended up with Thor, Tony Stark (minus the Iron Man suit), Phil Coulson, and Nick Fury, while we're still missing a Captain America, Hawkeye, the Hulk, and the Black Widow.
I've been working on my costume for almost two months now and it's going to be amazing. I know, I'm pathetic. I will have pictures, probably on Thursday.
Anyone else have any plans/costumes?
Unless "lazy asshole" is a costume, nope.
And I'm probably going to end up at home handing out candy like a sketchy mofo anyway, since if I were going to any Halloween parties I'd know by now.
I'm going to wear my dress overcoat and tell everyone I'm Rodion Raskolnikov. All the people who get it will get candy.
god damn that's what I should do
thanks for the idea :V
Fun day. :)
We had Model Legislature this weekend which was loads of fun since as the most experience member I became party leader (we were Progressive Conservatives... again) and my caucus adviser was a girl who was super nice and funny and the only one who really knew how Model Ledge worked. It was great, until we got called out because some kid had pulled out a cord, drew on something, went through one of the MLA's stuff (we were in the legislative assembly but we weren't supposed to touch the stuff inside the desks) and it got to the point where they were mad at us for bringing out Pokémon dolls (lol all me) and a uke (my friend) because it lacked respect. Which I get, but like, at the same time based on how the MLAs act (playing Angry Birds while in session is not the greatest example) and I didn't know that they weren't allowing these things based on the shenangins.
My House Leader was this super debate girl who I always thought was a bit of a snob, but was actually really nice to me and even when she got the party award for best speaker (the part was mostly made up of kids from her school so they voted for her, obviously) she even turned around to me and told me that I probably got top parliamentarian (which I didn't but meh, I don't actually care that much).
I also got early birthday presents! A new laptop just in time for Nano and wallet. :)
Have you ever gone back and read all your old fic and found out like, half of it is actually terrible and you delete the worst examples, and then you read the other half and think, huh, not bad, and then you read this one story and think, my god I couldn't have wrote this, because it's pulitzer prize winning awesome?
Holy shit I actually wrote 200 words of Gazzy/Fang, what is wrong with me?
I look back and see a lot of good ideas, but a lot of poor execution as well.
Yes. Except it's not fanfiction, but yes. I hate 90% of my old writing and I see potential to not suck in 8% of it and then there's that little tiny 2% where I'm like, "There is no way in hell that I wrote this, because it's actually really good."
I keep my old work for comparison sake.
Sometimes I decided to read it again. Usually after about five minutes in of straight cringing, I just close it and pretend it never happened. There are small parts that are good, but most of it's terrible.
I wrote more than a hundred thousand fucking words of gay fanfiction about two tertiary characters in a shitty teen book series.
Sometimes I think of that and I think "Well, at least I showed initiative".
And sometimes I think of that and have to just lean my head on the desk before I fall over in shame.
Redo the names, publish, make money under the gay erotical label.
Really, do it. Shades of Gray seems to have pulled it off.
If we're going for the Shades of Grey market, then there's not enough sex and too much emotion and science.
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