I think I'm good for now, but if I have more questions, I shall be back.
No worries. Nice to see you again, by the way. How's it been going?
Pretty decent. Started college, drowning in homework, but I assume you know what that's like. I went home for the weekend and surprised my family. It was nice. Unfortunately, I didn't get back to my dorm until 7am this morning and had no time to write this stupid paper this weekend. (It's a history paper and history is not my thing.) Over all, I've been good. You?
Ha, yeah.
That's great!
And that's not great.
Glad to hear it. I'm doing fine.
All your answers are here:
Use nav bar on the left.
Having been asleep for most of the afternoon this is probably too late, but, uh, good luck on the essay? Also, given it was history, what was it on?
Thanks. I finished it and it was decent enough, I think. The topic was Napoleon.
That's good then -- and, alas, Napoleon isn't a thing I know a lot about. But here's hoping you did well.
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