Thanks for your response. I can see a and b being true (especially b). But the thing about c is, is that I didn't even know she was flirting with either of these guys until some friends of mine told me. She's not rubbing it in my face or anything.
I had a breakup like that, and yeah, if it was a fairly amicable breakup, you can get over the previous person in as short an amount of time as around four days. Granted, you feel like absolute shit for those four days, but you do get over it.
So don't worry,you're on a normal course. Take a complete break from her presence for about a week, and the wounds should start to scar over.
It just seemed suspicious. The whole relationship, I had a nagging feeling that she was way more into me than I was to her. But maybe that's just teenage girl fickleness. I don't know.
I love you all.
As someone who's trying it now, the whole "let's be friends" thing with an ex is supremely difficult and sometimes awkward at first.
She might be trying to move on or she might be trying to make herself move on.
*hugs, tea, and chocolate*
Getting over my ex has been tough too. But you'll get there. It was your first really serious relationship. It'll take time and patience but if you really want the friends thing, it will happen. And eventually you'll both move on and things will be fine.
I feel like I wasn't helpful, but I hope I was.
Turns out listening to 'Rapper's Delight' made me really happy for some reason. I don't know why, or how long it'll last, but I'll take it.
Feels like this might be her coping mechanism. High school girls are by far, the most fickle creatures in existence (believe me, I'm one of them) and probably, she just doesn't know what to do at this point. And hey, there are guys willing to give her attention so she's going to pursue that. One of my friends does this, don't get me wrong, I love her but everytime she breaks up with her boyfriend(s) it's because some other, new guy is giving her attention and then a couple days/weeks later she's dating them and insulting her ex. I'm not saying she'll insult, but females are kinda weird.
Here is tea for you man:
Cheer up, you're kind of sort of super duper awesome and I'm glad to hear your life (this little problem aside) is doing well. :)
Also, going onto this site and looking at cute animals always makes me feel better. Hopefully it does the same for you.
Haha, thanks. Actually, for whatever reason, music is making me really happy for the time being. Also my dogs. Nice tea, by the way.
Today I hung out with (originally it was supposed to be two people...) of friends at the mall. Learned that one of my usually calm friends has the worst road rage ever (so hilarious to watch) and that no, it's not normal that I think it's important no matter how attractive and built you are that everyone should wear shirts and pants. Even if you've got a six pack and look like Ryan Gosling.
Also, I have watched the 2005 movie of Pride and Prejudice two times now but I haven't had enough I just want to keep rewatching. Someone stop me please.
It's a very pretty movie P&P 2005. Not particularly accurate to the book, but pretty nonetheless.
Also, Caroline Bingley is awesome.
XD Not accurate at all (I feel like my teacher is showing us this JUST to make sure we actually read the books because my class has this interesting tendency not to read the assigned books) but so pretty and I like Kiera Knightly.
Ngl, I liked her a lot. And Mary Bennet. But she makes like no appearances. :(
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