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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Same, I couldn't get through P&P when I tried reading it before. But the LBD is so good. Lydia is PERFECT, Mary is played by the sister of the actress who plays Penny on Big Bang Theory, and the characters connect so well. You're welcome!

Oh my gosh, this is so good. "My sister is not a slut... -eyeroll-" 

It gets so, so much better.

I have been watching this for like three hours. 

Oh my god so much awesome. 

LBD is the BEST.

I love Darcy. So much. And Charlotte. And Fitz. Ugh.

"You called me a robot! ... And a Newsie."

Oh God, I love Darcy. I hate Caroline, but the actress plays her SO. WELL.

I just want to be best friends with Fitz.

I haven't met Darcy yet although Lizzie has the best impression of him. lolololol. I'm at the part where they have Bing's party. This is literally the best thing ever, between this, Vlogbrothers and Nigahiga I don't need a life. Lydia is too good. 

LBD is the brainchild of Hank Green, in case you didn't know. And Darcy won't appear for a lonnggg time. Resist the urge to skip ahead. The big reveal is worth it.

That second to last sentence pretty much describes my entire existence for the last 8 months.

YES I KNEW IT AS SOON AS I SAW THE "DFTBA" stuff. Oh Darcy. Okay, I am eagerly awaiting this. I'm around ep 50-ish so all good. 

Oh my god no, Ricky is my favourite character in here I swear to god. "Manitoba is exquisite!" Whoever wrote this is a troll. A Ricky who said it in such a happy way is also a troll. And a liar and a fraud.

My past two months have been non stop Youtube. I feel so sorry for my house's bandwidth.  

Ooh, you're so close. Have you been watching Lydia's videos, too?

Holden Caulfield thinks he's a phony.

Same. >.>

Saw Darcy. Hehehehehehe. So much hilarity and awkwardness.  Yes! I am slowly progressing through that. I got distracted by New Girl so.. uh yeah. XD 

We watched snippets of that movie in class after reading the book. God, I hated it. 

I was pleasantly surprised when I figured out that the lady from Sherlock Holmes was in it.


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