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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Then again, I hear that's common when there's something between you and the sun...

mmmhmm. But I can understand the supersititions/mythologies built up around eclipses, because quite frankly they're a little bit terrifying. And that's when you understand what's going on. 3000 years ago they didn't. It just got strangely dark.

my aunt is going to have another baby

oh god

they already have an eight year old boy and a three-ish year old with Down's Syndrome

i hope everything works out

Probably the only thing I wouldn't reveal to a good many people in real life is that I really enjoy bluegrass.

Oh, the shame.

I like dubstep. Have for about 3 years. Before it got semi-acceptable sometime in the last year anyway.

Bluegrass? Dude!

My mom grew up in a mining town in the middle of fucking nowhere, and my dad's family is Southern, so I guess I have excuses. But come on, I live in a college town, who the fuck is gonna admit "I have the soundtrack to O Brother Where Art Thou? on my iPod"?

Do you have any Béla Fleck?

I will soon :V Thanks for the recommendation.

Hey guys.  I know I don't post here a lot anymore, and when I do, it's usually some self-centered bullshit, but I need some help.

Last week, I broke up with my first serious girlfriend.  The relationship lasted one year and two months.  I broke up with here because for the entirety of the relationship, there were issues that she was all to happy to avoid and pretend they never existed.  When I brought them up, she would distance herself from the conversation, avoid the topic, etc.  So finally I decided "Fuck it, we need to talk."  This ended with us breaking up.  We hugged, and agreed to still be friends.  

But here's a timeline:

Break up

(2 days awkward avoiding each other)

I go up to her and ask if we're still friends.  She cries, hugs me, and says yes.

(2 more days)

She texts me, but then abruptly says "I'm sorry, talking to you is too hard so soon."

(2 more days, present)

It's less awkward now, we smile and say hi.  But she's flirting heavily with these two guys who are moderately good friends of mine.  I know she's not my property, and I don't want her back.  But she's hanging out at these guys houses, flirting with them, and I don't think these guys know about each other.  She went from being absolutely crushed to overly flirty and affectionate with multiple guys in the span of 3 or so days.  

A mutual friend of one of the guys and I was talking to me, and he thinks she's either

a)  leading both of them on to try to make me jealous

b)  leading one of them on, using him for attention while she really likes the other

c)  she really likes the attention of both of them

d)  she got over me instantaneously.

I know I'm coming off as a little bitch, and I'm sorry.  Getting over her is harder than I thought, even though I'm the one that broke up with her.  May I have some tea?

It's been so long!  Are you doing alright other than this drama, too, hon?

Sounds like you made a smart decision.

And of course you get tea!

Oh, yeah, other than this girl drama I'm doing fantastic.  Everything else in my life is going swimmingly, and after my exams this tuesday I'm going to Florida with a shitload of my extended family for Thanksgiving break :D.

Yes, you may have all the tea. *offers tea*

First of all, hugs. Break ups are the worst, and there's not much anyone can do about that. But drink lots of tea and feel better soon.

Second, it sounds to me like either:
a) she's coping in her own way. She's been in a relationship for a long time, and is obviously something familiar to her.
b) it's a self esteem thing. Some people really need attention. Teenage girls are finicky creatures, and self esteem can hit an all-time low, especially after a break up. This goes back to a.
c) she's doing it to get your attention. This seems likely as she is seeing two guys and making it obvious enough for you to notice.

I don't know if this will help, but it's all I've got.


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