Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Got a laptop, a ukulele, John Green's book set, and some Nerdfighter t-shirts. Lots of books from various people and other various odds and ends.

It was a very good Christmas.

On the other hand, my friend has been extremely suicidal lately. I really don't know how to help anymore. She's either pissed or hiding. I want to tell her mom or dad so she can get some professional help, but I'm scared that they won't take this as seriously as they need to or she'll be furious and do something fatal before her parents can help.

She's my best friend. She's honestly more like a sister to me than anything else. She's the only person I feel comfortable telling everything. I know this is selfish, but when she gets like this, I get so so lonely. I feel guilty when I'm happy, and I also feel guilty when I'm unhappy. She pushes the people closest to her away, and it makes me nervous. She never talks to me anymore. I freaking found out she was dyslexic from her tumblr. I'm terrified to bring up anything about that or the issues I've been having lately for fear of her getting more distant. But walking on eggshells does not a friendship make.

I want her to be happy. But she's giving up and I'm not sure she even wants help anymore.

Spent half my break doing my younger sister's reading homework; essentially writing plot and character summaries for the MR books.

I'm annoyed.

I know my best friend is a lot to handle. She's really intense and over the years, even I've grown unable to handle her in large doses, but I still love her to death. She has her flaws and sometimes I literally just want to punch her in the face, but those are really extreme and rare moments. She's my best friend and I miss how close we used to be and I should probably fix it. But my rant isn't about that. It's about the attitude my friend has towards her lately.

I know you've been spending a lot of time with my bestie. I get it. Wifey is high maintenance. But damn it that does not mean you can constantly insult her in front of me. I mean, occasionally is fine. Everyone gets annoyed with their friends, I understand that. But I don't even think you still like her as a person and that genuinely bothers me, because even when she's driving me nuts, she's still my best friend. She went to my mom's funeral. She helped me move into my grandma's house. She held me when I cried and she's been with me through things the rest of my friends can't possibly understand. Sure, we've drifted, but damn it, I am not okay with your attitude towards her lately. It's fine if you think it, because that's your opinion to have, but stop telling me. I hate it.

End rant.

On another note, how's everyone been? I miss you all.

Hi everybody. Happy new year and all that. Sorry for being out of.touch. will continuw to be so until february. Hope youreall well. Typing on phones is hard.

Wanted to offer everyone here a formal congratulations for outlasting the MDW forums.

They're gone, and no warning was ever given to any of the users, nor, can I gather, was any warning ever given to the moderators.

My first thought post "hahahahaha" was "Oh no, did someone back up the ARG?"

I am a functional adult :|


I only ever got to page 50 on ARG. I ended up getting interrupted by work. :/ So free time went out the window.

Have you tried checking through the wayback machine?

No. :/

I was legit copy and pasting post for post via a web app called "Evernote Clip".

I'll try it when I get home.

Haha, your post on TTS prompted a mod response.

Which only amuses me because I'm permabanned and they evidently a) don't remember or b) don't care.

Idiot mod sent me to the front ad page. There's still no forum. I sent him the old forum link, which now leads to a not-found page.

That's extremely depressing. An entire 5+ years just... gone. Though, honestly, I did stop caring a long time ago, since most of my fondest memories were destroyed when the banhammer that took Tally and all the others came down. 

Still. Knowing that it's all gone and I couldn't see it even if I wanted to is really sad. Bittersweet nostalgia for the conversations with some of the best (and first) friends I ever had.


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