Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh, that's actually kind of sad. I liked that it was there. And that, y'know, some old threads were there (in less than spectacular shape but still).

I think the thread I will miss the most is Seth's sexy thread. It always made me happy to find it was still there.

It's great that we're all still somewhat in touch though, I guess?

Wow, I see more than four other people lurking at once on chat!

Come on out, I know you're there!

This bloody novel is going to be the death of me. Seeing as my planning goes back at least three years, my research notebook about the same, and the first draft four, I've resolved to get going on the second draft this year.

The first semester of which I'm taking a full load of three history classes (Western Civilization and both halves of British History), a writing class, and my first biology class in two years (with "coseminar").

I am reigning king of Good Decisions.

Don't die.

Good luck on the novel and keep us posted.

Since I'm also editing a novel, want to set up a friendly competition, or a way of getting on each other's asses to write? It's been working fairly well for me and another RL friend of mine.

I actually got a letter from my university a couple days after I posted that informing me I'd been placed on academic probation, or, in normal-people words, that I needed to straighten up and fly right before they kicked my ass out.

So, barring screwing around under the aegis of fanfiction, I'm probably not gonna get shit done this semester, no matter how much I want to rewrite the desperately terrible old plot outlines. Probably gonna have to wait until summer.

Contact me in the summer, then. Probation=bad place.

Right on.

Also, this is a post dedicated to the fact that I am not dead, just locking myself mostly off the internet at least until midterms are over. 

You're smart. I know you'll get everything together. Let us know how it goes. Probation is no bueno.

You can always tell when it's exam season for me because all my cares about keeping my room neat goes to hell and suddenly I'm too panicky to even put my laundry away. 

External Hard Drive with all my videos, pictures, and all that good stuff (luckily my most valued music collection which has a bunch of extremely rare-- as in I can no longer find any of them anywhere because a lot of were one time downloads from like 2007 -- files is still on my laptop and phone, thank the Jesus) became corrupted because I'm an idiot. 

Gonna go see if I can salvage it because I want those pictures and videos. :( 

On the bright side, I got a free coffee today from my friend who works at Starbucks. 


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