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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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How did this turn out...? 

I hate when teachers asked for us to "peer edit" because I'd always actually peer edit (brutally at that) and then mine would literally have a "awesome!" and then the other person would get upset. >.> 

XD  I've found that you can get away with peer editing, if you put a smiley face in the corner of the page. . . and commenting 1/pg if a good word is used.  

It's silly.  But I swear it works.  And you can have fun tearing something apart and help them and their work and they don't hate you/no drama.

It turned out fine. I gave her the compassionate-serious face I often use with my younger sister. She wasn't interested in more criticism though, which is a shame.

Not a big deal, and I don't mind saying sorry in person. To quote one of my dad's favorite lines, "An apology is a cheap investment."

I don't mind peer editing, but I expect that people who are peer edited understand that the function of peer editing is to peer edit, not to smile and tell you what a wonderful person you are.

@Lamp: XDD "You really need to learn grammar rules. :)" Hmm, next forced peer editing perhaps I will try this. I'm really glad my teachers now don't give a damn/my classmates are aware I'm doing it to genuinely benefit them

@End: Ah, see during my junior high days we had forced peer editing, so when they asked for feedback it was more of a way to just waste time than actual help. 

A shame she didn't ask for more though. XD I find it hard in my classes to ask someone to edit my work because they give me excuses like "it's too long" or just read like the first page before telling me it's awesome and needs no edits. >.> 

That, and these people need it. Temple doesn't have a filtering system.

I just finished the highest level creative writing course my college offers to undergraduates. Which means that to get here, you needed to have graduated high school with a decent grade, then taken two creative writing courses and an advanced one before entering the class.

The guy I edited for today spent his entire draft spelling "waiter" as "waitor". Most of the people thought the draft fantastic; I was one of four people who demanded he go back and proofread.

The teacher running the talent show wants me to do a medley for my act, because she thinks my song is too short. But she wants me to include that song.
Ugh. I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm starting with From Me To You by the Beatles, then L O V E by Nat King Cole (original song). I'd really like to slip Love Song by Sara Bareilles in there. The key and chords fit so well. But the theme doesn't. I need a song to transition from love and devotion to lolscrewyou.

What's the right way to do an in-text citation if two of the items in the works cited have the same author?

Author name, page number. Just make sure that it's clear in the context of the quote which work it's from. For instance, you could be citing from 20,000 Leagues and 80 Days, and both would be (Verne 20) and (Verne 172).

To understand the effect the US has on Canada:

We have created (stupidly I'll admit, fricken Alberta Ed) a word to define what your Republican Party does. It's "illiberalism" (yes, three L's) because that's when a government or whatever claims to practice classic liberal ideals but doesn't. (Hi Patriot Act) Yes guys. We made up a word here in Alberta, just for you. 

Use it everywhere. Claim it's Canadian. Work it. While i continuously hit my head on the table omfg why. Why do you hate me Alberta Education?

No, that's just right-politics in general. My associates in the UK and Israel suggest that their Conservative and Likud parties (respectively) can be just as bad.

The issue is that America controls an obscene fraction of the world's economy, so when our politicians are inept, it becomes everyone's problem.

I'm waiting for the day that someone tells them that the only "cure" for homosexuality involves abortion, and that if they don't allow abortion then they're promoting the propagation of homosexuality.
Cure is in air quotes because you could also theoretically cure someone of having functioning kidneys, depending on your aim.

Ah, the example in the (awful) textbook was very much an American one. >.> Well my teacher did mention that now most parties are less inclined to uphold ideological values in favor of maintaining power, which I think for most parties that maintained power for any extended period of time did. I mean when we studied Lenin, he tried straight up Communism with War Communism and in the end he was forced to employ the New Economic Plan.

I just find it incredibly hilarious that we have made up a word for this. It's so hard to take this aspect of the course seriously...

The whole caring about American politics has gotten so extreme though. We have people here who can't even tell me who our god damn provincial premier is but can tell me all about American politics. Or they say that "Canadian politics is boring so I don't care." >.< So much rage towards people like that.

Twenty years maybe? Just let a generation pass or two, I'm sure some crazy will tell you that.


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