Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I figured it out! We never saw the giant crowd of MR Antis because they were all on Reddit!

Hey guys.

Terry Pratchett died today.

I'm re-reading Good Omens to honor his memory.

I plan on reading Interesting Times as soon as I get a chance. It was the first Pratchett novel I ever read, and I think I've only read it two or three times in the...god, decade? Has it been ten years since I first read it?


Looking back on my old posts, more than anything, makes me want to slap some sense into younger me, stooge style. That little grober yugnt is...well, not embarrassing, per se, but I'm certainly not proud of myself. I'm not sure if I was trying to be edgy or if I went a little insane or what, but I'm glad that chapter of my life is over.

So. Sorry about that. :/

oh my god it's you??

you probably won't see this for a long long time if ever but jesus the face i made when i saw you came back was a little absurd

so many flashbacks to a much different period in my life

i hope you're well and everything (i'm sorry this is weird)

Hello! Great to see you again! (Er, not literally. I certainly haven't joined the American NSA, hahaha.


But yes, I am back. Not going to lie, I'm shocked as heck that the site is still up. I thought it cost money?

Not that I'm complaining.

Took me about an hour to figure out my password through brute force  memory because I am amazing and brilliant and have an awesome mind and most certainly was not almost beaten by my idiot past idiot child self (Who is an idiot.)

I've been well! Become a bit more pessimistic, I'm afraid, but hey, as they say in Germany, c'est la vie. How have you been?

What's weird is the complete lack of capitalisation! Shame on you, Contra!


(But seriously, wishing for a stranger to be happy is normal in my eyes, let alone a friend. Even if that friend is a creepy internet friend from a few years ago.)

yeah i dunno who the hell is paying to maintain it, but i'm glad they do (i honestly probably would do it myself because this place has a real soft spot in my heart)

i have been very well, actually. college is finally paying off in terms of making me happy and social (and smart, of course). and, on that front, i've made a heel-face turn of sorts and become an optimist and a raging idealist. c'est la vie. 

my blogging style, sad to say, has gone completely tumblr native. no longer a member of the grammarian society am i. who needs capital letters, though?

(we weren't that creepy. like, maybe a little creepy. we talked about torture maybe slightly more than your average internet user. eh.)

i don't want to push the boundaries of sharing information with creepy internet friends from a few years ago (this is such a weird relationship to have with someone), but what's your life like?? have you changed? (i've changed--i think in a good way, although i suppose that's debatable. my internet voice definitely sounds different)

I found this and it was strange and very nostalgic and I wanted to share, so yeah. 

Yeah, a fair chunk of it is still there, depending on which date you try.

First thread I looked back into had dragon egg spam at the top. Good old days :P

Thanks for checking in!

Yeah, shortly after I posted this, I found an archive from 2009. I even found my old profile page. Present me is very embarrassed by past me, I have got to say haha.

Thank you for posting this. I spent way too long looking over this while feeling a mix of sad, nostalgic, and very disappointed in the past me. I love it and I hate it and I miss it and miss everyone that was involved in it.

ew that was way too emotional. i'm gonna go rethink all those choices i made back then kbai


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