Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I totally forgot about the ghetto people too!! That's probably... 70% of my school? And then the 15% of those who don't care. About anything.

I'm in 10th grade.

I was in an advanced class. I was given Algebra 2 Honors last year. First semester. 4th block. Right after Marching Band and lunch. *snore* YOU FAIL.


I've seen people (kids! When I was in 7th grade too!) have panic attacks for getting a "B" on a test or quiz. It's really sad what some parents do to their kids around here.

And I've gotten "Above Average", in the 80th percentile or above, on every STAR test since I was 8. And my parents think that that's perfectly normal, and would be upset by anything less o_o
>.> There's nothing too terribly wrong with panic-ing over a B. . . even at that age.
Hey, what do you DO on the STAR test, anyway? *has never taken it* *didn't go to public school till this year*
XD So sweet!
XD *agrees*
On a lighter note, finishing up this sketch and noting:

- So fucking many tentacles.

- I love that labcoat.

- Possessive!needy!tentacle monster makes me go aww.

- Hojo has a suspiciously fine ass. Dammit.
I would love it :D *whored it up today in a short skirt / knee socks*
Hmm... me, probably cute black miniskirt, button-down white men's shirt (it's fun to unbutton), knee-high white socks, high heels (my ubercute pair that are black on white with mirrored two or three-inch heels), and a tie (they're fun to untie and made for bondage).

Yes. If I were going to hit on people, I would come prepared to go further >.>

I wanna whore it up :D
I could feel people staring at me ._.


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