Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yes, I'd like to know that as well.

Lee - She left for personal reasons
This is your first site? Well, this is kinda a community for MXers to hang out, but hey....

And 11yo's CAN be brilliant. And you're not really one to talk, sweetheart. Py could outsmart you any day.
Ah, that's understandable.

Through NING, or google?
I wrote fic at eleven too, yo. Horrible, horrible, eye-burningly horrifying WTWB fic. The only thing I can say for it is that it had decent grammar.

I have since had five years to better my writing.

Py's fanfic -- her first fanfic, mind -- is as emotionally masterful, well-written, and generally awesome as mine is now when I'm at my best.

Eleven-year-olds can be brilliant.

It's just that not many are.
I'm thirteen too.

We're all kind of grammar/punctuation/spelling nazi's here.

Aren't you from Originally it was but then JP decided to make the shittiest books possible so it changed. Most of us still refer to it back when it was in it's golden age as MX.
You're 13?

*is sure you've told me this before*
*is still amazed*
>.> It's always been on my profile... I think I've mentioned it a couple of times.

I thought I always sounded 14/15ish.
You do.
*was going to say 15*
*thought you were around 16/17*

I think everyone's way older than they really are......
And we're rather tame, now, too.
Yeah, but this is a site full of antis and sanes, with no mods. She deserves to be warned. They took MX, but this is our site, and one of these days one of us will come on in a bad mood, and any bad spellers will be unhappy.
And I will unleash my mod powers >.> Don't make me do that, guys. Be excellent to each other.


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