Some people just... meh fuck PC. Some of us are smarter than others. Fact. Py is one of those people -- she hit the mature stage of life earlier than a lot of people (including me, comparatively). That's just the way she is, like the color of her eyes.
. . . .Maybe YOU couldn't spell at 11, hell I can't spell to save my life and I'm in HS, but many 11yos CAN spell. . .it's just a matter of getting them to do so outside of school. Furthermore spellcheck is on most browsers, now.
Possibly. I didn't have spellcheck until I was, uh... thirteen or so, when I got a new computer, and I got by just fine (albeit there were some words I regularly fucked up because English is not phonetic).
Generally, brilliant people don't set out looking to be brilliant. There are several people that you've talked to today that are freaking geniuses, I doubt they thought "I'm going to try to be a genius," they just ARE, that's how they were born I guess.