Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

On request from...who was it? Py I think, here's a repost of my repost of Z's anti list and then some...
EDIT: *cough* No it was Fate who asked me actually...

Since Z got banned, I decided to repost the Anti's list, (with permission).

So here it is, in it's entirety.

For all you guys who aren't on it, just report and I'll add you.

1. Happi Zebra
2. SmartA55
3. Esaul (IntroduceALittleAnarchy)
4. Lamp Post
5. nathan_p
6. Shay
7. Alexy_z
8. thefourthbooksucks
9. .Hanamore.
10. Penn
11. Omega
12. carino
13. Kari
14. Jonathan Q
15. oprahxdrphil4lyfe
16. Kayte
17. Gage
18. Pugz
19. DarkAngel
20. Vincent Von Hex
21. Merciless LegionMK2
22. XDLaura
23. Indigo
24. SexyNinja
25. Nick
26. Squight
27. Lavendar
28. Lenni
29. Hawk Blade
30. Sploofeh
31. o0_flying high_0o
32. TheFeminineOperaGhost
33. Nadia
34. Kathryn
35. ozzy
36. Meabh
37. letsbeginwiththisdance
38. Maximum.Luver
39. Tash (sky)
40. Vieta
41. Z's dead, baby, Z's dead
42. chercherlecirque
43. Killarney
44. RantingSidekick
45. LikeOhMahGoose
46. Kay
47. KatieKat
48. Firefly
49. Adrienne
50. Ouch
51. Sora
52. Ni
53. Alida
54. ashley nicole luna
55. Rihatsu (Enzo)
56. Kairaria Thermal
57: Pyro 6
58. Ninja~Of~Love
59. Alina Katelyn
60. Hannah (Dontkillchic)
61. Zero
62. Grayson
63. SicklySweet
64. Saiki (Just Add Water)
65. Lomnochd
66. Doomy
67. Brown~Eyed~Girl
68. Solareclipse
69. Super_K
70. Fake Fang
71. ShelbyB
72. Shindigity
73. Echelon
74. Megan (Fishy)
75. Aggis
76. Lake
77. Jade
78. Libba Doyle
79. Sappy
80. Silentsky231
81. Devil's Sunrise
82. Sowhat
83. Fate
84. DZmom
85. Drakona (Ketchup)
86. Throne_Spaz
87. Pyro ... (the male pyro that is, for those who get confused as I)
88. Jessica
89. DrowningInPuddles
90. Chaim
91. Slanderous
92. Toby E. (is #7)
93. RyanInulover
94. Steven ("internet god")
95. máthair phelan
96. Tastes-like-crayons
97. Odyssey2341
98. Sky Maxwell
99. Other Mother
100. Discreetly Upwind
101. X_xTiShAx_X
102. ETTAR
103. Muraki Kazutaka
104. Cavil Prolix
105. mrlover
106. Graceful Charity
107. lol(maximumride)
108. Smurf♥
109. Snow
110. Teri Lynn
111. Ryan Jacyln
112. Worst Case Scenario
113. Shoot the Messenger
114. Hannah
115. ____silverwing+alexandria romanov___
116. Marian Janssen
117. Xuut
118. Tink
119. Max.
120. Storm_In_A_Teacup
121. tHe SuN_eViL gEnIuS.
122. Top Hat
123. A French Word
124. Phoenix of Night
125. Tally
126. Alone in the Darkness
127. Supersour
128. Tigerchild
129. Killer Sasori
130. Lana Carpenter
131. Kimmie Ane
132. Gateway
133. Pesce
134. N. Petrelli
135. Harlan
136. Lemondrop
137. Reilly J.
138. +Jen+
139. Pas De Deux
140. McFood
141.The Quiet Fangirl
143. Micah Rikah
144. Sea Kitten

Edit: There are a couple other new ones that aren't on here because I got banned before I could transfer them over, if they'd like to report again, they'll be put on.

Views: 81

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Replies to This Discussion

Five? *sees four* *runs through list*

Edit: I found the fifth.
Found all five! :D
I hadn't ever looked.

Though I'm sad that my record was broken.

But it's Nathan, so I suppose it's alright.
*snicker* I considered signing... another alt up too, but that would've tipped my hand.
O.O Was it really?
*never knew this*

Edit: To all, I'm leaving the aliases, I consider them separate people...
Happy 124, thanks to 2 MXers who reported on Zero's thread.
Do you like MR?
Have you even read it?
How far are you in the series?
It went downhill after the end of the third, in my opinion...real let down of an ending for three, then the emphasis on global warming became suffocating, and now it seems to be focusing too much on Fang and Max and not on a real story line...

I'm all for Fax, but overboard makes me want to strangle people >=3
I like Figgy. *is probably going to accidentally start a war here*

Thoughts on this, Leelee?
*is a tart* And while you're at it... your opinion on Jeb/ter Borcht?

Equivalent exchange: I don't ship Fax, but I don't actively hate it, and I've actually written fic for it before.


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