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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*isn't used to his new avvie*

So says the name, yo.

Hahaha it's so weird knowing someone from the old forums on there...
*sees icons before names*
Me too.

On chatzy I associate people with the color of their names, not their names.

I'm a about nine months (That's right I've been on MX long enough to be prego AND had the baby) and I'm at most considered middle age.

If I still had my account, I'd have been on MX long enough to have gotten pregnant, had the kid, and now be raising an almost-three-month-old.

I didn't start RC until just before my first ban, and I've been writing that for ten months x.x So unless I start kickin' ass, the fic will take longer to write than it does to happen to the characters.

Where does the time go?
Nathan_P Jr. would've been an awesome child.

RC is that long? You're a fast updater.

It's funny because at the time it seemed really long. Now it seems so fast.
XD I actually don't plan to have kids... or I didn't, anyway. If maternal instincts kick in I'll probably adopt... that, or be the creepy aunt for one of my friends' children.

Word-wise it's about 100 000 words, which is around 365 pages, but so far it's taken about nine months of story time to happen. There have actually been a few long hiatuses, but for quite a while I updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

v.v Yeah...
XD I don't want 'em either. I blame the big family. I want to be that craaaazy cat lady or that person so dedicated to whatever they're doing not to have kids. If I did I'd probably adopt, being pregnant does not sound fun.

Wow. That's a shit load or words/pages. I bet you beat MR which is made up of large print and lots of spaces. -.-
It is not fun *shuddertwitch* Trust me, I did the research D:

Yeah. MR books run about 300 - 400 pages as paperbacks... RC right now would be, mmm, six hundred pages as a paperback.
Oh god, my mom has gone through it five times each time she tells about it, it doesn't sound pretty.

I'd totally buy from Hachette if they published RC. It'd be awesome. And Nathan would get rich!
There was a fifteen-minute limit on any/all RC research relating to pregnancy. Any longer and I'd have to walk away from the computer so I wouldn't hurl. Oh. God. No.

:D That would be beyond fab.


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