I should probably do my Renaissance homework. I'm meant to be writing one essay/ short answer question (though why you'd call 600 words a short answer I have no idea) a night, which means I need four or so by tomorrow.
I'm tossing up between writing fic, and watching first episode NCIS season 7, so I can watch the second one when it comes on tonight, instead.
Renaissance is the subject though, not a topic. Wikipedia isn't detailed enough, I need to search through my two folders and numerous books for quotes.
Cursing at my computer screen and pretending its my boss, since he just woke me up when i was actually sleeing for once to ask about a shift I cant do.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 7, 2009 at 4:57am
Back from school, too lazy to do any actual homework. Listening to George Shrinks, yes, the little kids TV show and sort of typing up the fic that I've been meaning to do for a couple days.
Mourning the poor dead squirrel on the side of the road in front of my house. *is a sap for animals (and friends, small children, anyone who looks like they need a hug..... yeah....)*