Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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No >.> I would explain, but... fuck it.
I got the English origami books and I had to improvise to make half the things. :P The other half I spazzed out and threw away.

No, I think it's ironic.
Cruising the Dares/adopt-a-line threads on NaNo *whistles innocently*
Marveling at the things I do to avoid awkward situations. A friend left a wii controller at my house that I was supposed to bring to school today, which of course I forgot to bring. I avoided him until lunch when he spontaneously remembered that I was supposed to have it. I told him that I did and that I'd give it to him at the end of school, but after our last period I hid in the bathroom until the bell rang and I thought he'd left. It worked.
Just got home from a almost disaster day at school. >.>
I had one of those. What happened to you?
o.o Stupid crazy chick trying telling me that Jamie was not my bff and that she was my bff. Of course , being me , I cussed her out and told her she was crazy , which she was. Then out of no were and I mean litterly , no fucking were , she started screaming attemted murder. O_O So I ran off the school grounds and walked home. Which was like 10 miles. >.< So now I'm home and feeling like I'm going to pass out.
O.o, you win, my day looks great next to that. Well, screw the crazy chick. You okay?
*laughs* Me? Okay? Never.
Ha. So how is your day so far?
Suck-tastic. My friend started screaming at me because he says that I lied to him that we had a test today, when all that I did was spend an hour figuring out a copy machine to make him a copy of a study sheet we'd been given since he wasn't her yesterday. The Detroit Tigers, who I'd been rooting for the entire year lost to the Twins (baseball) so they're out of the playoffs. I failed my math homework because the partner I'd had accidentally told me the wrong answers to all the problems he did (I did half and he did half,) on a Grammar test we did today in Language Arts I realized that I'd been thinking of a different rule for half of the test like two seconds after I'd turned it in, but she refused to give it back, so I'll probably fail that...


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