Y'know, the Site Owner's schtick has always been "promote the books gais!" but... it's my fandom, yo. Even if I'm banned, I talk about the books all the damn time. If that's not promotion I dunno what is. (Especially given that, while I'd usually say "go read fic x and fic y, the books suck", most people won't read fic until they know the canon. Which usually involves, y'know, buying the books.)
Up till now we haven't seen much of the S.O. other than the extremely rare statement, and the only one I can recall seeing was that blatent "If you don't like it, leave" comment. If this is true, then the more we know about Mr. Stalinist Overlord, the more we know about how this whole politics thing is working, and then perhaps we'll know to whom we should be writing hate mail.
These are all the other things I can find.
Whomever it is, they have moderator/admin level power. This is made obvious by the "Send message" link that appears when they post a discussion statement.
The person has only made two blog posts. One doesn't exist anymore.
The person has joined only one group, which no longer exists. Could this be the one where said person posted the whole "don't like it thing"? I'm not sure.
Has made only one answer to one discussion, the one titled "If fang had to have a foreign accent, what would it be," to which he/she answered, "Heh Heh. Uh, Polish!"
If this is Hachette Book Group we're talkin' about (I think it is), then my guess is that they are indeed the admin, being that they were the first mod-like person I had contact with.
They're not a very friendly type -- don't talk much at all. The group they joined probably was the mod-petition one, being as that's where they posted the butthurt "if u dun liek it leave!!" discussion.
I BS my way through maths hw all the time. My teachers only check to see if you did it, not that it's done correctly, or you used the right method, or even got an answer. Just write the problem number, and a bunch of random numbers that look like you're trying to solve it, and you've got it made.
I only do, if the teacher has the assignment on the board. Then I actually do the assignment during his lectures and whatnot. 'Tis basically studyhall. If it's not on the board, I do other hw, and BS my way through the maths hw 2 minutes before the class will start the next day.