Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*Consoles* Was she okay? After the whole allergic reaction thing.

*is allergic to that too* *is allergic to all types of penicillin* *understands*

And, apparently, the allergy gets worse with age, so if I almost died at four....
Yeah, she was better after a couple of days.
Deciding against finishing my Chem hw... Probably need to go check my FB; tons of games I need to play... Really need to draw stuff for a art show/raise for the Humane Society on Saturday. Then, Sunday is the Metallica concert. Squeeeeeeee!!!!
*thinks you should PM me the link to your FB profile*
You're going to a Metallica concert?! *Is insanely jealous*
Yesyesyesyesyes! *spazzy jumpy squee* :D

Edit- ouch, landed on hurt foot...

By the way; I went to school today without crutches! Yay!
Just came on to say Hi.

School sucked. My teachers hate me. I have a lot of homework. I have spailphail. >.>

I really need more computer time.
*Says hi back*
Tired, shaky, craving tea. Halfassedly trying to do too many things at once.
All we have left is some loose green tea bags squished in a jar with crushed M&M's. Blech.
Tiredly attempting to plan alt-book-six!NaNo. Finding that I've got two non-exactly-complementary halves of plot (what we've got from JP about Fang and death, etc., also Dylan -- and my own construction involving ter Borcht).


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