Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah. I..... well, it would be very bad if I had a D in English. >.< Oh wait, I do. I'm doing rather bad in everything, though, comparatively.
Is 67 a D? God, here you'd still have a C+

But the year's not over yet, a bad mark for one quarter doesn't mean you're going to fail.
Yeah, 67 is a D+, here.

90+ is an A.
80-89 is a B.
70-79 is a C.
60-69 is a D.
<60 is an F.
Here it goes:
90+ is an A+
80 - 89 is an A
70 - 79 is a B
60 - 69 is a C
50 - 59 is a D
<50 is a UG (ungradable, we're not even going to bother giving you an F)
Oooh. I think I like your system better.
Same. Much easier to get an A, and not fail in general.
Hand in assignments?

That docked away a large portion of my French half-term mark.

Ask for some help if you're totally lost in a subject (surprisingly in Math in helped a helluva a lot), usually teachers offer after school help.
I don't need help, per se, I just need to actually get the work turned in. The difficult part is actually studying, doing the work, and paying a mild amount of attention. If I could accomplish that, my classes would be terribly easy.

-Has had to get help.-

-Has not liked it.-
That tends to be the difficult part...
*hugs* *gives coffee*
*hugs back*

*gratefully accepts coffee*


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