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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You almost got kicked out? o.O

*worries for past you*
Were you thinking of cutting yourself or something?

*is really curious*
*won't push the subject anymore*
Not kicked out as in I did something bad, oh god no, everyone there loved me. The teachers, the other kids.....I adored that place. I got up every morning beyond excited to go to school. But my mom was back like $10,000 on tuition.

Cutting? No. No.... Heh, cutting would've been good. As long as I didn't, like, cut too deep, which in that case would've had the same outcome. Yesh, I was really suicidal, for a time. Was just before Christmas too. Actually attempted suicide in December, got scared, felt like a complete wimp that I was weak enough to take that route and not follow through completely.

So yeah. *waves* I'm here, but if I would've cut a little deeper in December, or had I not talked myself out of it in March, I wouldn't be here.But once I found out I got to stay at Carden? Life was amazing. That was a good year, with the exception of November/December, and a two-week period in March, that year was absolutely amazing in every way.

Whoa. Never told anyone that before. Uh.... I understand if you think I'm a freak and don't want to talk to me anymore? *is going to regret this in a few minutes* *doesn't right this second*

Excerpt from the ridiculous notebook of doom and other horrible things:

"I feel so pathetic for even thinking this, but the reason I haven't written anything in a few days was because I was busy having my own little freak-out. Just like the one before Christmas. As awesome as my friends can be sometimes, they're.... I dunno. I love them, I really do, and I'd do anything for them, but.... I dunno. But to be honest, the reason I'm still writing right now is because of a couple of random people I met online that I don' t even know that well. Yes, I am aware of how insane that sounds. I don't even know the first names of a couple of them, and they don't know that they've helped me at all or that anything is going on in my life. They're just people, and I chat with them daily, and they have more or less reminded me that life doesn't completely and utterly suck. I wish I could tell them this, but that would just be awkward and strange, and I swear to god it's not as weird as it sounds. It's not even that I know them that well, they're just somebody to talk to, and talking to people helps me relax. And keeps me from making the same mistake I made in December. So thank you, people that will probably get fed up with me in a week."

So yeah, that's that. There's more to it, but it's just a rant about how horrible life was at the time, where in all honesty, it was pretty damn bad, and debating whether or not life will really get any better, and wondering why talking to a couple of semi-strangers could possibly be comforting.
"So he was born in Germany. I say born because that's what he said, and because I really don't believe anyone's mastered the artificial womb yet. (Hey, I hang around two science geeks when I'm at home, I kind of pick up their weird.)"


*cracks up*

Oh prophetic old fic :|

Did/would you post this?
"Story of a Girl".

It's not very sense-making anymore, but, um, there :D

Also ahahaha Jeb has been gayer than a handbag full of rainbows (well, in my headcanon, at least) since like 2007.

*goes to read*
I skimmed some of these fics while I was transferring them, and it's like... I'm watching myself get slashier and slashier, and holy God it's hilarious. XD

Sounds beyond brilliant.
Some of it's pretty good shit, but the rest is hysterical XD There's one fic I like quite a bit, but it has a really random (and I mean out of left field) Jesus subplot.

Yes, you read that right. Jesus. Subplot.

The two MCs turned out to be randomly related to Jesus.

Guess who had recently read the Da Vinci Code?

Bonus points to past me, though: I mainly used the subplot to force the agnostic scientist/villain into a screaming breakdown at the climax via surprise!stigmata.

Yes, really.

And then the female MC crucified him to the side of the building.

Goddamn I loved that fic XD

The best part of it is: I'm not lying. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
Oh my.

You posted all that right?
*really wants to read*
I never finished typing it up, and I need to find the hard copy of that fic...

I kind of kicked ass when I was thirteen XD
XD No kidding.


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