*hugs back* Yeah, I never have been the brightest, but I was really stupid then. I was.... damn, I was suicidal, in two separate instances. v.v
*hugs back*
*loves you* *loves all of you* I am a freak, just not in quite the same way.
No, surprisingly you didn't, you very well could at some point, especially if I continue complaining about life in general and show no signs of having a life for much longer, but we'll worry about that when and if it happens.
I can see how it can be perfectly normal and justified and understandable, in all cases except my own. I can look at a person and feel bad for them and think they aren't at all stupid, but I can't see how my own thoughts are at all justified.
*continues hugging* *is slightly surprised that you're willingly hugging*
I still can't believe that, but I guess I should, as I like hearing all about things going on with you guys and other friends too. So I should understand it, but I don't, I find my own problems annoying and petty to listen to.
XD *figured you weren't* *was waiting for normal Lamp to come back, but still enjoying strangely huggy Lamp*
Oh, I always feel like, when talking about something, it just doesn't measure up, and I always feel that I'm overreacting and nothing is really bad at all. Hence the "petty" part. The annoying part is when I go on about it when nobody really cares anymore.