Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, I was major disappointed.

Goddammit, and I thought we'd get to meet Gunther-Hagen >:| I AM DISAPPOINT. my premature fangirling, thwarted once more.

Jeb remains disturbingly attractive ._. wtf self
I think my unconsious daydreaming about Fang comes from that guy at lunch who looks just like him... My friends are always like "Why do you keep looking over there? Are you staring at that Fang guy again?!"

Well... he's hawt...
Goddamn the mustache. And he's so adorable in the first chapter, wtffffffff. I just want to give him a hug v.v
XD I don't blame you. I'm like that with other... select celebrity people... like maybe Orlando Bloom... >.>
Just... the panel with him in silhouette against the sky... ow my fangirly heart.
Hm.... *must draw...something.?*

Brain not working... grrrr...
I... the manga makes my brain go all *melt* with fangirl.
Eh, all the googlyness can be useful. Ideally it would make the reaction when Fang gets shot/stabbed/burnt/poisoned/exploded/clobbered/asphyxiated/eaten alive/filleted/run-over-by-large-motor-vehicle more severe and traumatic. Then we can have another Max Snaps scene. I personally enjoyed the scene in book 2 where it happened last and she tried to open up her arm.
The manga makes me gibber and squee because the emotions are so much better portrayed. JP doesn't write bad dialogue, and his ideas are sometimes okay. He's just not fab at creating imagery.

So the manga, by its nature as a story mainly told visually, is way better. The characters seem like people.
*wince* Imagery. Now there's an issue JP and I share...
I'm not exactly the ninja grandmaster of it either.

...y'know. JP should've gone with doing a manga in the first place. Would've turned out much, much better.
Huh? The preview is out already? Where?

*Is still a sane fan*


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