Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*accepts* Thanks. I don't have any actual aspirin, only Motrin, which I only take when I absolutely am going to die.
I can't do Motrin.... or even Advil, which is basically just weak Motrin. It gives me a horrid stomach ache..... which really sucks, when your doctor keeps prescribing you extra-extra-extra-strength Motrin, which is the equivalent of like four doses of the shit...
Wow. *has always done that to myself* *takes more than the recommended does, always*
Since a lot of people on here seem to be doing NaNo, should we start up a thread on here where you can post your wordcount and get your arse kicked if you're not on target?
Nathan has a thread about it, but we might need a new one, I don't remember the specifics of it...
Found Nathan's thread. It's more 'are you doing it' than 'write, bitch, write'.

So Imma make a new one.
I've been sitting here cold for the last few hours, since I've discovered that you can type with a blanket wrapped about your arms, but you can't write by hand. I just now discovered sweatshirts. I wish I would've thought of this sooner.

It's quarter to midnight.



O.o Is it really quarter to three? I have to leave the house at 7, and manage to look presentable enough to be on television.....
Mm, it's already 3am, I've gotta get up in two hours. NaNo can wait, I'll have all day tomorrow.... besides the time for homework and chores, and the time spent procrastinating. So I might see some of you at like 6-ish, if I can get on. If not, then I'll see you this afternoon. Goodnight.
Wait..... Post it. I can wait.

To your edit: Or not? *goes to read*


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