Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I was a dinosaur.

My costume was terrible.

=O Nathan your OTP was placed into a TV tropes!

Followed closely by Figgy!
XD I think Squight edited that in...

Oh damn that page needs some edit ninjitsu. ._.
XD Well then Squight is awesome and no one has bothered to fix it.
Nah, like some fuckheads started having a conversation about that part of STW that made me want to take up drinking aka the bit where Marian is like oh shit oh shit uh wait don't kill me I'm a hybrid too :D?

TV Tropes is way more informal than Wiki. I'm in a longrunning edit war on Wiki about a paragraph on ter Borcht's entry on the character page... and one of those days I need to go to that page and kick its ass a bit. It makes very little sense v.v
I'm guessing they were saying she was a total BSer, etc, etc?

Well for starters the general public can't change it. That makes it quite reliable.
Nah, they were just all "hay wait how could she be 200?"

Conversation on the trope pages is discouraged :|

Of course, I'm a wuss and it's a tiny fandom, so... I just replied with a fast link to Those Wacky Nazis and prayed they'd get it.
Well the series doesn't exactly make sense. Instead of asking how Marian 200 let's all ask how the hell Max is foueteen after the course of two years.

Sure confuses me.

XD Brilliant. I hope they did.
It's been not quite a year over the whole course of the series -- FANG will take place sometime in early spring, and TAE opened in May.

But... can't be fucked to sort it all out, but there are age contradictions running rampant anyway. One of the characters should be fifteen, I know that.

Funnily enough, Jeb and Angel are the only ones we know are aging -- Jeb's hair is going grey at the temples, and Angel fervidly insists she's seven, dammit, seven.
XD Nice.
XD Awesome.

This is my Grandpa. He is dressed as Dorothy. XD


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