Being glad I didn't sign up for NaNo, even though it sounds like fun... because I have a ton of homework that I don't even know the extent of and that I don't know how to do. I'm hoping that Eli is right and that we don't have to do it, because I can't contact the teacher and I can't find a rubric of what's supposed to be turned in.
I also need to write something for a portfolio for the Gov. School for next year, plus do 20 drawings for the same school, download the application things for that, and plan my birthday party, which includes writing a plot for a murder mystery and putting together over a hundred invitations. <.>
And Khaetlyn still has my copy of STW... plus the second manga... I need those back...
Yep. It will be, hopefully. It's a Masquerade Ball. The local band Edge of Eternity is playing. Ever heard of symphonic Christian metal? It's amazing. We're having a murder mystery, and only those involved in it know about it, so that's like, 8 people? Dress is formal, and you have to have a mask. It gets really annoying to tell boys that there is a difference between a Masqerade Ball and a costume party.
And my English teacher still has TAE. I have a freaking waiting list for these books!
Mine are all cheap paperbacks, except for Max, but I still just don't like writing in books. With the exception of Math textbooks. And I'm not supposed to write in those. XD
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 2, 2009 at 3:08am
Oh god, there is a HUGE list of things I need/should do and yet I never do. Longest one? Lord of the Rings, I still remind myself, "Go read it/watch it!" and yet... nothing.
I've borrowed it from the library at least five times. Never touched it. And I find time to read Percy Jackson and the Olympians ten times. XD