(What's really bad, is the newscaster was SUCH an idiot. She couldn't remember what the acronym meant to save her life, and she said there were 32 days in November before we started taping..... while we were taping, she said 31, and nobody had the heart to correct her)
Well, she kept saying things like "Is it National book writing month?" etc. And the one girl next to me, would always correct her with. "No, then it would be NaBoWriMo. She wasn't the brightest.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 2, 2009 at 6:14am
She DOES know that no month ever has 32 days right? Let alone November.
Still haven't done a single thing with my homework, because I still have no idea what I'm supposed to do or if I'm supposed to do it at all. I sent an e-mail to my teacher though, so hopefully I'll know what I need to do when there's still time to do it.