Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Peer pressure is a wonderful motivator. :)

If you're doing nano, post your (daily/weekly/whatever) wordcounts here, and we'll motivate you if you need it.

50,000 words in 30 days. And that's minimum! 1667 words a day!

With that: Write, bitch, write!

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*giggles* It has the potential to be sort of good...I think. I dunno, I guess we'll see.
*is writing absolute crap* *doesn't really care*

Except that everyone knows that I'm writing crap and cliches, and people want to go through the torture of reading it, which is just shaming me....
*thinks it's probably not crap*

Yeah, well then they'll read mine and have to watch their intelligence level drop so...
I'm just never going to let anyone read mine....
If mine turns out half decent I might let someone read it, if it's bad I'll just burn it and pretend it never happened.
What do people do with the NaNoWriMo stories once they're finished? Just curious...

I've been making a crappy wee story for a while (not doing NaNo because I'd have to start a fresh story :O)...It only just got to 60,000 words (something like 60,040 >.>) yestarday. Now I have to start the first re-draft. D:
Dunno. Some (very few) get them published, some post them online, some remain on hard drives forever after.
All those unfulfilled stories...gathering virtual dust...
Um.. I'm not doing nano. For one, because I don't know what it is.. *feels dumb*
National Novel Writing Month ... You write a novel in a month...
O_O Wow....
4232 :D


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